Tuesday, February 18, 2020


So! In case you missed it, I sold eight books in about a month, starting in December and ending on New Years Day. I've got to admit that it felt pretty darned good. Since the world's been kinda tough lately, I thought it might be nice to pass on the pretty-darned-goodness. I sold eight books; how about I give away eight books to celebrate? I love winning books myself, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone there.

But what books to give out? After all, my new titles won't hit the shelves for a while yet. (But it'll be fast! The Supernaturals of Las Vegas series will launch this spring--the books are already written!) So I decided to celebrate my sales with a selection of titles from my new publisher, Inked Entertainment. The lucky winner will receive the following paperbacks. Hopefully you'll discover some new favorites here. You can horde them all to yourself, laughing maniacally, or even give some away if you're feeling generous.

The prize pack includes the following books:
  • Chosen (Danika Frost #0.5) by Connor Ashley and Charlotte Page (urban fantasy)
  • A Touch Mortal (The Siders #1) by Leah Clifford (YA paranormal romance)
  • Must Love Otters (Revelation Cove #1) by Eliza Gordon (romance)
  • Thrall (Supernaturals of Las Vegas #1) by Carrie Harris (paranormal romance)
  • Running Home (Vampires of Fate #1) by Julie Hutchings (paranormal romance)
  • The Harpy by Julie Hutchings (horror)
  • Kill Order (Maggie Black #1) by Jack McSporran (thriller)
  • Dead Awake by Jack McSporran (YA paranormal)
And if you don't win, never fear! Everyone who enters will get a free copy of my zombie short story "Lifegard Research Station #4" and the first chapter of Thrall, the first book in the Supernaturals of Las Vegas paranormal romance series, both in PDF. Also, if you choose to sign up for my newsletter as a part of your contest entries, you get a free copy of my Alien Abducted novella. So in total, you could get a novella, a short story, and a chapter preview just for entering! I will email those to everyone who enters after I pick the winner. I won't save your email addresses, and I won't contact you there again unless you sign up for the newsletter. (Unless, of course, you email me to tell me you're having a problem with your downloads or something.) I also won't give away your contact information to anyone--including other authors--because that's just shady.

The rules are simple! Enter via the Rafflecopter below. You can visit various social media places to learn more about me or about Inked titles, tweet (daily, even, if you want), and sign up for newsletters. This drawing is open internationally, so long as you're willing to wait for customs to do their thing. (I am in the US.) You just have to be 18 or older to enter, since some of the books contain adult type things. It's open through 12 AM Mountain Time on 3/6/2020, and I'll announce the winner on the 7th, which is Thrall's release day!

Some of the entries require that you do something like follow me--if you're already a follower, that counts, so put your info in!

The full rules are in the Rafflecopter, but I've kept it pretty easy. I hope you'll enter and help spread the word, and I'm crossing all my crossables that YOU are the winner!

Got questions? Having a Rafflecopter problem? Leave a comment here or drop me an email at carrie@carrieharrisbooks.com. I'll help you out.

Friday, February 14, 2020

New Review Crew

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but the Supernaturals of Las Vegas series is going to print! Thrall, the first book in the series, launches on March 7th, with the rest of the books to follow through April and May. I am more excited than a vampire at a blood bank or a werewolf with a chew toy.

Please note that the books are much better than my jokes just were.

Anyway. As you've probably already heard (and maybe from me), reviews can really make or break a series. With that in mind, I'm launching a new Review Crew. It's simple--I'll give out free ebooks to people who commit to reviewing them on Amazon after the book comes out. Once you post a review, you get the next book! That means you could read the whole series for free, and all you need to do is review them on the 'Zon. You don't need to have a blog or experience reviewing.

I probably don't need to say this, but I will--honest review, folks. They don't have to be all positive, because no book is for everyone. That's totally okay. Talking about the book honestly--about what you like as well as what didn't work for you--will help it find its fans.

I won't just be using this crew for the Supernaturals of Las Vegas books either. When I have review copies of my upcoming books, I'll offer them to the Review Crew first. So if you're interested in reviewing, but paranormal romance isn't your thing, it's still worth signing up. You can pick and choose what you receive.

If you'd like to join the crew, it's easy. Fill out this form, and I'll get back to you as soon as I have copies to share!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

New Books? How About EIGHT?

It's been a while! These days, I spend most of my time on work--writing books and also working as a freelance ghostwriter and gaming consultant--although I do love my Twitter and Facebook. If you'd like to chat with me on the regular, I hope you'll reach out to me there. As much as I've loved blogging in the past, this space has really become the Big Announcement space and not the Chat About Random Things space it used to be.

You know what that means, though? It means that I'm here with a Big Announcement! The past few years have held a lot of upheaval for me in the professional space. I left my day job in the gaming industry and devoted myself to jumpstarting my writing career. It took some time and a heckload of effort, but I finally have the first batch of news to share!

I sold eight books over the past couple of months.

I'm about as shocked as you might expect, which is really shocked. I'm not sure it'll feel real until I hold them in my hands. But yeah. Eight new books in print, and they'll be coming to you fast. Let me tell you a little about them.

First, we've got the Supernaturals of Las Vegas series, with an accompanying paranormal romance collection. If you've been following my social media, you'll know that I took a dip into writing adult paranormal romance under a pseudonym a while back. The series digs into the dangerous lives and passionate relationships of the paranormal residents of Sin City. Each book brings you a different couple--including vampires, were-scorpions, angels of death, faeries, and more. These books aren't for kids--they're definitely adult romances, although the heat level is fairly mild. I love action and adventure and danger, so they're jam packed full of those things too.

The fine folks at Inked Entertainment have picked up the series, plus eight PNR novellas that are perfect to read over your lunch break or any time you'd like a complete story but don't have the time to finish a whole book. The novellas will be published in a collection called Tryst, and all five of the books will be available in print as well as electronic formats. They've designed brand new covers for them that are pretty smoking hot if I do say so myself.

These books will come out in Spring of 2020, which is right around the corner! I'll update you on the details as they become available.

But that's not all! I also have a new epic fantasy series for adults, which I'm cowriting with Connor Ashley, also for Inked Entertainment. The Assassin's Revenge series is a three book epic about an assassin who isn't exactly what she seems. I've really loved writing about Larina, who uses strategy and intelligence to survive in a dangerous world. She really understands the mental aspects of conflict, and that's been super fun to write. You'll get to meet Larina, her smartass drakon Zemora, and more in the first volume, The Crown of Blood and Fire, which will also come out in 2020.

And look at these gorgeous covers. I cannot decide which one's my favorite, which is a good problem to have.

I'll tell you more about these as we get closer, too!

I'm really grateful to David and Debbie at Inked Entertainment and Kate Testerman, my super agent at kt literary. And to all of you for sticking by me. I hope you're as excited about these new books as I am. I've been flailing around like an excited muppet for the past few weeks!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

On the Wall

Today, I had one of those so-happy-you-cry moments.

I saw my first graphic novel on Amazon.

It's always exciting to see a new cover, or to get to announce a new book, although that doesn't usually drive me to tears. This time, though, it's different. Although this will be my 10th-ish published book, depending on how you count, it was actually my first real book. The first one I wrote. The one that got me an agent and then failed to sell.

I wrote it in 2007 and signed with Agent Kate in 2008. The manuscript went to acquisitions over 10 times, I think. It kept coming so close and then falling apart at the last minute. Eventually, we shelved it in favor of what would become Bad Taste in Boys. That sold quickly, and of course I was glad, but I never forgot that first manuscript. I'd started writing it during my maternity leave with my twins, after midnight feedings while I was waiting for them to go back to sleep. I loved that book for a billion reasons. Because it was funny when I needed to laugh. Because it was about strong girls, and I'd just had two of them. Because it was the first manuscript I wrote that made me think maybe I could really do this writing thing.

In my free time, I started turning it into a graphic novel script just for fun, and because I couldn't keep from messing with that story. I mentioned it to Agent Kate in a self-deprecating, isn't-this-a-funny-thing kind of way. She turned around and sold it, to my surprise and delight.

It will hit the shelves in June. I describe the book as GHOST WORLD meets superheroes, which I personally think is awesome except that I'm biased so it probably doesn't count.

I have had the good fortune to make a few of these announcements, but this one takes the proverbial cake. I'm so thrilled and lucky and grateful to be able to share this story with you. It has baby pools and accidental forkings and girl power and peeping toms and government agents and scary teachers modeled after my old high school English teacher, who was the first person to tell me that I should be a writer. I thought the best thing I could do to thank her was put a character inspired by her in a book, so I did. She WAS pretty scary.

It comes out in June, and it's available for pre-order, if you happen to like that kind of thing. I'll post more order links as they come out, too.

It's called ON THE WALL, and I really hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Illegal Alien is out today!

This alien and I are both getting jiggy with it. We're excited because it's the Illegal Alien release day!

This book is a whole lot of new for me. It's my first adult book. It's my first foray into self-publishing. It's the first book for which I got to make up a lot of ridiculous swear words. It makes me happy. And also nervous, because I really like this thing, and I would like to do more of this thing, so I hope other people like this thing too.

In fact, I hope YOU like this thing.

If you read the book and decide that you do in fact like this thing, and you would like more things like this thing, there is something you can do which costs NO MONEY and relatively little effort. REVIEW. Give it however many stars you like. Write a sentence or more than a sentence. "I like this thing and think you might like this thing too" does in fact count as a review.

It might seem like a tiny thing, but it really helps. As soon as a book reaches 20 reviews, all kinds of promotional opportunities are unlocked--but not before then. And further reviews help bump it up in search results and "You Might Also Like This Thing" web recommendations, and so on. I know it sometimes seems like posting that review is a waste of time, but it really isn't, especially for self-published books. It might make the difference between that series continuing or ending prematurely before you find out that Lord Kartafflesalat is really a sentient potato monster, which would be TRAGIC.

But seriously. I've got three books currently planned in the series, but I'd love to write more. If you'd like to see it happen, you can urge it along by reviewing!

Of course, reviewing requires READING. Which requires purchase links! Amazon is being a little slow with the posting of the print copy, but here's what I have so far:
The Createspace book and the Amazon book are exactly the same, but I sure wouldn't blame Prime members for wanting to wait and get that free shipping.

And if the book isn't in your budget right now, I'll be doing some sales and some review giveaways as soon as my copies arrive. So stay tuned here or follow me on twitter to stay on top of that.

Aaaand now I'm going to go dance around my house like that alien. You think I'm kidding, but I'm totally not.

Monday, September 12, 2016

New Releases!

Lots of excitement here at Chez Harris, so let's get right to it!


ReMade debuts on Wednesday, September 14th! ReMade is a post-apocalyptic teen drama in serial form--you get an episode a week, just like your favorite TV shows. Their short length makes them perfect for people who just don't have time to read a whole book from cover to cover. Let's face it--life happens. And if it's still too tough to get your reading in, it comes in both ebook and audio formats

If you're interested, you can check out the pilot episode for free and see what you think.

You can also visit the ReMade page and subscribe for the season (and save some cashola and trouble) or buy individual episodes at your leisure.

Episodes come out every Wednesday, and the series is a nail-biter. I knew what was going to happen, and I was still on the edge of my seat when I read the episodes written by the other members of the writing team. My first episode is #3, but you're not going to want to miss any of them!


I wrote a grown up book! With grown ups in it. And aliens, because hey, it's me. I started out writing this book for fun but ended up having so much fun with it that I couldn't stop, and now it's a series. It's about a snarky, middle-aged police detective named Audrey Vorkink--and yeah, I might have inflicted my sense of humor on her. I write a lot faster than the publishing industry moves, so I'm trying out a new thing and self-publishing this series. ILLEGAL ALIEN comes out on October 18th, with the sequel, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING SUSPECT, following in January.

Here's more about the book:

Toledo police detective Audrey Vorkink has a rep for getting things done. She might look like a middle-aged soccer mom (complete with mom bob), but she works hard and unwinds even harder. One night, as she’s meeting with her edgier-than-it-sounds knitting group, a hit-and-run accident turns deadly right outside the building. But something’s fishy about the missing driver, something positively…inhuman.

Audrey can run down any criminal, but what if this one’s from another planet?

Detective stories meet extraterrestrials (maybe) in this laugh-out-loud novel by Carrie Harris, author of BAD TASTE IN BOYS and DEMON DERBY.

You can preorder an ebook copy here! I also intend to offer physical books as we get closer to the release date.

If you're interested in reviewing the book, leave me a comment below or email me at carrie@carrieharrisbooks.com!

Aaaaand look at this gorgeous cover, designed by the brill Steven Novak.

Please note that this book is written for adults. It has bad words in it. I made some of them up. That was fun.


If you're looking for something a little more kid-friendly, the second book in the Sally Slick series, Sally Slick and the Miniature Menace, hits shelves on November 8th! I love writing Sally because she's such a strong girl character...and it gives me an excuse to watch lots of Indiana Jones movies and pretend it's work. Here's a teaser about the book:

Every hero has a story. Sally Slick’s is just beginning.

Sally’s frustrated when she’s shut out of the county fair tractor race, but that’s nothing compared to how she feels when the tractor itself goes missing. When she and her stalwart friend Jet Black track it to the grounds of the Circus Europa, they get more than they bargained for. Sally can handle nefarious cultists, mysterious fortune tellers, elephants on the rampage, and high flying aeroplanes, but a chance encounter with a miniaturized menace will change everything she knows about the world. 

One small girl can make a big difference.

Ordering information available soon!

And it comes with another great cover, this one courtesy of Dani Kaulakis!