Did you know it's Talk in Third Person Day? Carrie knows it, which is probably obvious given the fact that she just told you. And for some reason, talking in third person has always amused Carrie, which is why there is a character in one of her books that does it.
Carrie also wanted to mention that she has a contest going on if you haven't noticed! The 100 Special Thirsty Dead Girls Contest! Even if you're not a contest person, you should totally check out the entries. They are decidedly snarfable. And you have an opportunity to win free books! Snarfability and free books. Does it get any better than that?
Natalie is also having a mucho amusing contest, and you can win a critique or one of her awesomesauce drawings. So apparently, it DOES get better than that. But seriously, thou shouldst check it out. (In Carrie's little universe, it is also Talk Like an Anachronism Day.)
So there are a bunch of questions from last week's questionfest that Carrie failed to answer. And it would be cruel to leave you wondering what color nail polish ninjas wear, so...
The uber awesome, hopefully not sick anymore Carolyn V wants to know: "What color toe nail polish do ninjas wear?"
Carrie has to admit that she was a little frightened to get close to her husband's feet to find this out, because those feet are certified lethal weapons. (Neither, however, looks like Mel Gibson.) But she waited until he was asleep, and she's happy to report that ninjas wear camouflage polish on those piggies. Those are the stealthiest, non-Mel Gibsoney toes Carrie has ever seen. Or not seen...
Liam, aka guy Carrie doesn't know but instantly likes on the strength of his name, asks: "Can I have a dictionary entry for the word 'snarf'?"
Well. Wikipedia says that Snarf is a character from Thundercats and some scientific type substance, but Wikipedia is WRONG. In Carrie's little universe [where it's Talk Like an Anachronism Day too], snarfing is when you laugh so hard that food or drink type stuff comes out your nose. It's very uncomfortable to experience, but quite funny to watch.
So there you go. Carrie will continue with the answers tomorrow. Make sure thou returnest for further enlightenment. Otherwise, you'll miss out on the inside info on zombie ninjas, and that would be tragic indeed.
Jamie doesn't know if he likes third person day, but Jamie will play along anyway.
Thee post a la Carrie doth make me snarf.
Ha, third personage...love it.
Claire is loving Third person day and she thinks the definition of snarf is FANTADOODLY!!! :D
Yes! Carolyn is so glad she was feeling better to read this awesome post today and learn all about the camouflage polish. Carolyn will make a note of it. Thanks Carrie! =) Wise thinking to wait until ninja was sleeping.
Every time Kristi reads one of your blog posts, she doth snarf. Thanketh you!
Ninjas don't ever truly sleep - they lay in a state of silent waiting. Can you be sure that SlayerOfBees (SOB) did not know your intentions of checking his feet, thus feigning sleep and intentionally using an off-color of toenail polish to throw you off?
I do give you credit for your valor - getting close to SOB's feet is asking for certain death (for any of a number of reasons.)
Ha! This post reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George starts talking in third person all the time. Love that one!
And I just want you to know that I was up in the night last night thinking about your contest. And I've still got nuthin'. Le sigh.
Carrie always does a wonderful job of making Shannon laugh. Shannon appreciates the daily dose of laughter, and she will continue to beg for more, despite her snarfing discomforts.
Don't worry, Carrie, Mariah will risk her life to check her father's toenails since SOB was clearly faking.
Liam would like to say thanks for not throwing him into the crazy weird guy pile. Bwahaha.
Not that he's, like, weird or anything...
sruble can't believe she missed "talk in third person day." For a moment, she wishes she were Hershel Walker, so that every day could be "talk in third person day." But only Hershel Walker can be Hershel Walker, right?
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