Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hex Hall is so...Hexxy

Happy Bookanista day! The short explanation--Thursdays, lots of cool writers (and me), books we love, awesome list of links at the bottom, girl with freakishly long legs on the graphic. And there you go!

So. Today we’re celebrating HEX HALL by the amazeballs Rachel Hawkins. This totally hexxy book came out in paperback this month, so if you haven’t read it yet you now have no excuse not to get a copy. And you need to do it FAST because the sequel comes out next month.


So now, I’m gonna hex you up. I mean…uh…list off five quotes from HEX HALL that cracked me up. Seriously. It’s funny. So funny that I had a hard time choosing quotes and eventually just started opening the book at random and picking something that made me laugh.
  1. ”Good luck explaining to God that you used to spank one of his heavenly beings.” pg. 25
  2. ”I figured Elodie wouldn’t want to go back with me to see Alice again after the “my gaping chest wound, let me show you it” thing…” pg. 277
  3. ”Of course, the only words I managed to yell at the werewolf as he ran at me were, “BAD DOG!” pg. 19
  4. On the upside, my crush on Archer was totally gone. Once a boy has slammed his kneecap into your rib cage, I think any romantic feelings should naturally go the way of the ghost.” pg. 118
  5. ”But this room looked like it had been decorated by the unholy love child of Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake.” pg. 33

Seriously. This book is funny, let me show you it. And it's purty too.

When you're done drooling over the cover, check out what the other Bookanistas are up to!


Jessi said...

Love the voice in this! And I need a funny book these days.

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I was hanging out with some bloggy friends all yesterday and they were bullying me into getting this one. Seeing it here today must be fate.

Looks like I'll be getting Hex Hall very soon.

Stasia said...

OMG, how come I haven't read this one yet? Those quotes are AWESOME!!

Carrie Harris said...

It's one of those books that I pick up when I'm feeling a little meh, and it always makes me laugh. If you guys end up getting it, let me know what you think!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Dude, I loves me a funny book. I can't believe I haven't read this one yet. What is wrong with me? Isn't the sequel out, too? Must get on this. Will be thinking about what the unholy love child of Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake must look like all day...hehe. Funny stuff.

lisa and laura said...

HA! One of the girls in our YA book club loves these books. We'll have to check them out!

Kelly Jensen said...

I love this one! Sophie has one of the best voices and senses of humor. This book was a huge turnaround for me in my opinion of paranormal lit.

Cory Jackson said...

From the cover, I never would have expected this to be so funny! I'm going to be buried in books after adding all of these to my list. :)

Unknown said...

I had no idea this one would be funny?! I loved these quotes, so I'm gonna order this one STAT.

And the cover? REALLY cool.

Dang, I need some new adjectives.

Jade said...

My favourite scene is the one that involved pearls and her V-Card! Such an awesome book!

Anonymous said...

Dang it. Another book I have to read. TO THE BOOKSTORE!!!!!

Unknown said...

Seriously Carrie that's another book I have to read. It is like you are a reading advocate or something. Totally being sarcastic. Gonna read it. It's on the list. Thanks!

writergal24 said...

Sounds like a great book! I almost bought it yesterday, but there was another book that I really wanted, so... Next time.

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm going over to check it out. Always looking for new books to read!

Shana Silver said...

The voice in this book is awesome! I kept laughing out loud. The BAD DOG line was one of my faves. I can't wait for the sequel!

Unknown said...

Yes! Now we'll create a new club called the HEX HALL ROX MY SOX OFF!

Lacey J Edwards said...

Ha! These are great! I really need to get this book.

Jessica said...

You picked two of my favorite quotes!! "Hex Hall" is absolutely hilarious. I recommend it a LOT. When I read the part about "Bad dog" the first time there was definitely some coffee snortage...