Friday, November 21, 2008

Things That Make Me Snarf - Victim Dressup

I'm not sure if you've heard about this or not, but there's this Miss Horrorfest contest thing going on right now. I didn't enter. But if there's ever a Miss Geekalicious contest, I've got it hands down.

Anyway, this week's Thing That Makes Me Snarf is from one of the finalists: Vic-tim. She has brains of baloney.

Now that I've seen that, I'm walking around the house going: "My baloney has a first name; it's b-r-a-i-n-s." Me love the brains.

Speaking of brains, get your thinking caps on, people, because next week I will be running my first ever contest. The contest quite literally has brains in it and requires you to use your brains, but it does not require you to eat them. Or baloney for that matter, unless eating baloney helps you think in which case go for it.

I used to work for a lab where bringerofbrains, sometime reader and commenter on The Wonder That Is My Blog, used to quite literally bring me brains. Well, he didn't bring them to ME per se; he dropped them off across the hall. But I felt very possessive about those brains. People would call me and ask if the brains had arrived, and I would bustle across the hallway to check on the status of the brains, and sometimes I would have to track down the brains, and people would ask me what I was doing, and I would say, "Can't talk now. Missing brain." Which got less of a reaction than one might think because I worked in the Pathology building and people were kind of used to stuff like that.

Funny, I have been known to exaggerate a little for comedic effect, but every single word in that last paragraph was true and unaltered for your reading pleasure.

Anyway, I invite you to meditate on the subject of brains this weekend, because it shall bring you shwag, and shwag is good.


Jamie Eyberg said...

I hope your girls had a good time yesterday and I hope they turn out better than the girl in the video. I wish I had a cool job like making sure the brains were in. *walks away to find the help wanted part of paper, whistles*

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Um, wow. She was super-victimized. That was, uh, very educational!

*rushes off to find perfect victim outfit in actor-hubby's wardrobe*

And your line here: Funny, I have been known to exaggerate a little for comedic effect . . .

still has me snarfing.

Ya think?????

Elizabeth said...

Wow i don't really follow, I think about brains and then you give me shwag and it all goes down next week. Do I have right?

Cate Gardner said...

If it requires brains, I predict Miss Horrorfest will win ;)

Carrie Harris said...

Jamie: That job sounds a lot cooler than it really was. Although it made for good fodder when it comes to zombie jokes.

Glamis: Wasn't it? I'm glad I'm not alone... I starting thinking about my warerobe too. ;)

Elizabeth: I'll be running a brains-related contest next week. Win the contest, and thou shalt have shwag. And hopefully thou shalt have fun regardless.

Cate: Except that her brains were just eaten by a zombie. Yeah.

Ray Veen said...

I spent some time one evening a few weeks back traipsing along the halls of my hospital with a human leg in a garbage bag.

All I wanted was a scale big enough to weigh it, but it was almost surreal how hard it was to find one. In a hospital. You'd think they'd need to weigh stuff from time to time. Anyway, I wandered through hallways and waiting rooms and everything else, sort of trying to hide the severed leg behind my back, and still no scale. I'm shaking my head even now.

The search finally ended in a female employees locker room. What's that tell you about nurses? Elizabeth?

So yeah. I'm totally up for a brain game.

Fox Lee said...

Ying's friends used to work with sperm. I think he sometimes volunteered his own, which makes him a great scientist or incredibly horny.

Christy Raedeke said...

Hey, I just posted about brains today! Is it Brain Friday?

I simply cannot believe you'd EVER leave a job in which chasing down brains was standard. Seriously.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Too bad you couldn't sell those brains on the black market...

BTW, I'm nominating your blog for an award. Please check out my blog for details.

Adrienne said...

I'm never eating baloney again.

And if my brain goes missing, I hope someone will track it down for me.

K. M. Walton said...

I'm up for a brain contest. Can't guarantee I'll have any but I'm still up for it.

You MUST put that brain story in one of your books. You are a witty, creative writer - figure a way to wiggle it in there.

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm sure I could come up with an Igor/brains joke if I worked hard enough, but that requires effort. Pretend I made the joke and it was hilarious.

I hope your twins had a great birthday!

Scillius Maximus said...


Yes I can TIACOL (testify in a court of law for you non texters) that this is true.

Kiki Hamilton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kiki Hamilton said...

Hey Carrie,

Just thought I'd drop in and say hi! Can't wait for the brains contest. Humming along now to the christmas bells song: 'where are the brains? quick need some la la ....

Carrie Harris said...

BPV: See, I knew we got along for a good reason. And evidently that reason has to do with toting around body parts. Also, I have to say that the image of you trying to hide a severed leg behind your back is hilarious.

Natalie: Aw, come on! It's all in the name of science. (I'm trying; I'm trying.)

Christy: It's a lot less glamorous than one would think. And people stopped laughing at my zombie jokes.

Sandra: Thanks for the award!!!

Adrienne: I figure if my brain goes missing at some point, I'll just go to the deli and get some more. Heh.

KM: I'll work on that. But if I put all my good stories into my books, then you'd never read my blog, and that would be a tragedy.

KC: I'm sorry; I can't stop snarfing. That joke was so funny that I think I burst my spleen.

Skilli: Thanks for the backup. :)

Karen: Ooooh... you just gave me an idea for another contest. SNARF.

Bringerofbrains said...

I like brains... and puzzles... and victims...

Bringerofbrains said...

Will you be my victim...

Carrie Harris said...

bringerofbrains: You want me to be your victim, huh? You must like baloney.

Rena Jones said...

Well ... since I am just NOW getting around to replying to this, I guess you will quickly realize I have no brains. I watched the clip the day you posted this, Carrie, but then I didn't see a reply thingie. It just NOW finally dawned on me to click on the title.

And I'm not even blonde .....