Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Things That Make Me Snarf - Choppin' Broccoli

I got a chopper for my birthday. Of course, this is the first thing I thought of:

I'm going to the grocery store this morning, and I'm going to buy some broccoli. And then I'm going to bring it home. And then I'm going to chop it. Maybe if I'm lucky, someone will sing a song about me.


Abby Annis said...

Love that! Thanks for the laugh!

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, he's a riot!

Kelly Polark said...

That is one of my all time favorite SNL songs! (that and Dick in the box...oh, and Lunch Lady Land!)

Anonymous said...

shes chopping broccolay!

great moment of snl :^)

Wendy Sparrow said...

I had this for my ringtone for a while. Dana at his most brilliant.

Aaron Polson said...

Oh, Dana Carvey...those were fine days of SNL.

Carolyn V. said...

Hee hee hee, so funny! Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day. =)

Anonymous said...

This was awesome. I've been listening to Taylor Swift's "This is my SNL Monologue" song for the last two days.

I'm so glad that your birthday was fantastic! You sold a book AND wore a pink tiara AND had a party AND got a chopper! Yay! Ninjas all around!


Barry Napier said...

Such classic skit. So much better than his Church Lady any day!

Emi said...

Of course, whenever I use MY chopper, this magically starts playing...

Mariah Irvin said...

*desperately wants a chopper*

Larissa said...

And that is why you are awesome.