Friday, February 12, 2010

February Winner (and Stuff)

Whee! This weekend is a four day marathon of no-schoolery, so I'm going to keep this short. This month's winner of the Two Hours of Awesomesauce giveaway, the person upon whom the gods of have smiled upon is...

Mariah Irvin!

You'll have to start thinking about what you want help with, Mariah. Critiques? Queries? Synopses? Something else? We already KNOW that ninjas are infinitely superior to pirates, so I think that debate is probably off the list.

Stay tuned for the March Give Backery event. It'll come in March. I'm creative that way. Didn't win? Watch some zombies do aerobics. It'll help you feel better.


Jonathon Arntson said...

Wow, congrats Ri!! I hope Carrie will share the know about Jane's Air, that you've been unwilling to divulge so far. ;)

BK Mattingly said...


Shannon O'Donnell said...

Girl, I never get tired of your spunky personality! Thanks for the Friday smile. :-)

Congrats, Mariah!

Anonymous said...

A - I thought you posted the wrong vid, and I was about to see an, ahem, "adult" zombie movie for the first several seconds.

B - She really blurs the line between shaming and nagging.

C - Pfff, aerobics? Everyone knows that CARDIO is the way to go when it comes to zombies.

Scillius Maximus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shelli (srjohannes) said...

congrads (grrrrrrr ;)

Scillius Maximus said...


(Definition of "hmm" -- from the Latin hmmius -- meaning: how long until we hear a loud Squee like noise from NC)

Mariah Irvin said...

This is for Scillius:


Wow, I've been in classes all day and coming back to see that I won is SO exciting! I'm going to email you right away!

Carolyn V. said...

Wow, those are some awesome zombie workouts. I feel pretty bad skipping my workouts this week. I could take a lesson for the zombies. =) Thanks Carrie. Loved it.