Monday, November 2, 2009

Tadpoles! Tadpoles Is the Winner!

That's a quote from Deep Thoughts, by the way.

Well. Halloween and the Batson's birthday (which are one and the same) went smashingly at Chez Harris. How about you? I don't necessarily expect you to celebrate my kid's birthday, because let's face it, that would be creepy. But how was your Halloween?

I think my favorite costume sighting was the basketball playing, serial killer leprechaun. I was 80s era Madonna. I wanted to be Zed-donna, the undead 80s pop star, but my girls took one look at the picture on the makeup package and started to cry. So maybe next year.

Now, while I broke your brains en masse by running two contests right in a row, I did get some freaking hilarious entries. Here are some of my favorites:

Wuthering Forks: I Know You're Depressed, but You Wander the Forests After Your Undead Boyfriend Dumps You at Your Own Peril - Andrea Creamer

The Tell-Tale Heart: Interpreting Bella’s Coronary Broadcasts - Masonian

Frankenbella: Sparkly Monsters and the Men Who Make Them - Jamie Eyberg

But the one that made me laugh the hardest is undoubtedly Girl With One Eye's entry:
To Kill a Mockingbird, a Grizzly and Mountain Lion…but Not My Girlfriend

Huzzah, Girl with One Eye! Sendeth me thine address, and I shall impart upon you some fairies that are mucusy and shovely.

And I promise not to sprain your brains further... at least for a while.

Last but not least: good luck to you NaNoers. I completed my first novel during 2002 NaNo. It will never see the light of day, but it convinced me that I could actually finish something That. Freaking. Long. Anyway, I am cheering you on. Vociferously, even.


Dana Elmendorf said...

Wahoo! I would like to thank the acadamy for...oh wait, that's the wrong note cards, sorry.

I am so flattered you think it was funny. It was totally random silly contest and I loved it completly!

Dana Elmendorf said...

also, like to thank my spelling teacher... academy, it's ok to edit your own comment right?

Little eager here.

Candice said...

The sad part of reading this for me was realizing that I actually had the rest of that deep thought memorized.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I can picture you as an 80s Madonna :D Back to NaNo for me...

Kelly Polark said...

Funny entries!
Post a pic of you as Madonna!!!!

Natalie Whipple said...

Those were great! I wish my brain would have participated.

Also, my Halloween was great! But you already know that.

Andrea Cremer said...

Squeee an honorable mention :) and I LOVE that winning title. Couldn't stop laughing when I read it. Atticus Finch would be proud.

Sara Raasch said...

Congrats, Girl with One Eye! Wheeee

PJ Hoover said...

I'm cheering on the NaNoers rigth there with you!
2002? Sounds like it's time for revisions :)

storyqueen said...

I'm so glad some people could think of things....the only thing I came up with was: Harry Potter and the Velvet Voiced Vampire: In Which Harry, Ron, Draco and Edward form a kick-ass boy band.

Which is precisely why I didn't enter.....

Congrats to the winners!


Keri Mikulski said...

Love it! Congrats to the winners!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Due to the usage of big words, I feel loved and encouraged.

K.C. Shaw said...

It rained here, so we only had seven trick-or-treaters. Two were dressed as pirates, one a witch, and the other four stayed in their van while their mom came to the door for them. Which is cheating.

The entries for the contest were all awesome!

Valerie Kemp said...

Those were some hilarious choices! Great contest! Congrats to the winner.

And thanks for the vociferous cheers, it's my first NaNo and I really need them!

Masonian said...

Congrats GW/1-I!

And Halloween = fun. My favorite costume? My own homemade one. I was a can of Spam.

How'd you know I was from Hawaii?

Wendy Sparrow said...

Congrats to the girl with one eye--who looks like she has two. They were all good.

Elana Johnson said...

That is a great title, Girl with One Eye! Thanks for the contest, Carrie. :)

Anonymous said...

our best costume sighting made me think of you. While trick or treating we came to the funeral home, which is on main street, with the lights on, and I thought 'hmmm that means something different than candy." but then we got closer and there were 2 people sitting outside handing out candy under the sign reading "Pauley-Jones Knudsen Funeral Home" and the one guy was dressed like a zombie! The best! I wanted his picture to post, but felt weird taking a strangers picture.