You can't beat the vampire guppies, Punktuations. Don't even try. Just sit around, mope, and make air quotes with your hands in a vain attempt to make yourselves feel better.
I'll have you know that I can't even write that without laughing.
And if that's not enough, here is the latest Preliminary Merpire single. It's to be sung to the tune of this:
I Love It When You Slosh
by Preliminary Merpire
Slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh.
There's nothing you can't do with just one fin.
Nothing you can do; you're made of win.
Nothing you can say but you can play in my baby pool.
It's easy.
There's nothing you can bite that can't be bit.
I wouldn't mind that not a whit.
Nothing you can do but make me a merpire too
in time - It's easy.
I love it when you slosh, I love it when you slosh,
I love it when you slosh, slosh, slosh all over me.
Slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh.
I love it when you slosh, I love it when you slosh,
I love it when you slosh, slosh, slosh all over me.
There's nothing you can do to scare me off.
Nothing you can do but make me scoff.
Nowhere you can be without me stalking you all the time.
It's easy.
I love it when you slosh, I love it when you slosh,
I love it when you slosh, slosh, slosh all over me.
I love it when you slosh (all around me now)
I love it when you slosh (all the merpires)
I love it when you slosh, slosh, slosh all over me.
Those Punktuations are going DOWN, baby, down.
Sometimes you worry me...
The eyes say angry, but the teeth say goofy. Love it!
What's creepiest is that, while composing a response post in my head before you posted this (I compose a lot of blog posts in my head that never actually make it into type) air quotes featured prominently.
I will freely admit that this is all sorts of awesome. Really, truly awesome.
Not Punktuations! level awesome, but so so very close!
Oh, the poor Punktuations? were down for the count before they even started on this one.
Brilliant song, just brilliant.
It's an instant classic! Everyone will be humming it!
I'm already humming it...oh, the ear-worm!
Dude, that cover is all levels of excellent. And the song is destined to be a Billboard hit!
Comparing yourself to The Punktuations! is just setting yourself up for mockery.
Mock mock mock.
[See, I can't do any REAL trash talking, because I'm just the backup dancer/vibraphone player. But Kiersten will rock it for me.]
Too funny! Love it!!
Hey Carrie, does your band need a juice-harper? Cuz I'm taking lessons.
I have no clue what a juice-harper is, but I want one.
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