I can't say how much I'll be around this week, what with all the holiday craziness going on. But I have a lot of excitement coming up here, so I might not be able to resist. We'll see.
Over the weekend, I went to a holiday party. One of the men at my table declared that for Christmas, he wanted to be turned into a nanobot so he could be randomly injected into people. I find that hilarious, so long as the injectee isn't ME.
Here's hoping that you have equally amusing holiday experiences!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sick and Teasing
Still sick. But let me give you a quick teaser for an UBERAWESOMEOHMYGODIHOPEITTURNSOUTHALFASCOOLASITISINMYHEAD project I'm working on.
In the past few days, I've googled:
Interested yet?
In the past few days, I've googled:
- How to make PVC weapons
- Zombie appliances
- School rentals
- How to put numbers on football jerseys
- The local drama club
- Contact info for an anonymous band that is MADE OF AWESOME
Interested yet?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sick Day
I have the flu or something equally sucky today, AND my computer is malfunctioning. (With my luck, I'll go outside and it'll start spontaneously raining monkeys. Or lava. Or lava monkeys.)
Anyway, while I recuperate, please enjoy this video. It's got zombies in it, and it made me laugh. Or I would have if I had a voice right now.
Anyway, while I recuperate, please enjoy this video. It's got zombies in it, and it made me laugh. Or I would have if I had a voice right now.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Happy Toaster Day!
Today, we celebrate the birthday of Ramrod, the Holy Toaster. It's a day of giving. A day of thankfulness. A day of CRISPY BREAD.
At first, I accidentally typed "CRISPY DREAD." Which made me think of the above Toaster of Awesomeness from ThinkGeek. It just goes to show that Ramrod has many forms.
In honor of this momentous occasion, I'd like to give you something. Would you like some BAD TASTE IN BOYS bookmarks? (I know, I know. I'd give you all cars, but I'm not Oprah. And I'm REALLY okay with that.) If so, please drop me an email at carrie AT carrieharrisbooks DOT com with your address, and I'll pop some in the mail. And please remember to spread the cheer today...kind of like butter on toast.
Ooooh. Strangely fitting.

In honor of this momentous occasion, I'd like to give you something. Would you like some BAD TASTE IN BOYS bookmarks? (I know, I know. I'd give you all cars, but I'm not Oprah. And I'm REALLY okay with that.) If so, please drop me an email at carrie AT carrieharrisbooks DOT com with your address, and I'll pop some in the mail. And please remember to spread the cheer today...kind of like butter on toast.
Ooooh. Strangely fitting.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday Greetings!
It's our first snow day of the year, and I predict mass chaos in the Harris household within the next two hours. We may have to forge a path through the snow...not in search of food! We'll need the McDonalds play area before I lose the remaining shreds of my sanity. But in the meantime, I wanted to give you something. This year, I'm just not doing REAL Christmas cards. I'm not organized enough. But I've got THIS.
Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, or Holy Toaster Day. Whatever you celebrate, hope it's awesome and filled with dancing zombie Katy Perry, zombie Hoff, and Richard Simmons from the Planet Nonose.
I am proud to say that for the holidays? I bumped butts with the Hoff.
Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, or Holy Toaster Day. Whatever you celebrate, hope it's awesome and filled with dancing zombie Katy Perry, zombie Hoff, and Richard Simmons from the Planet Nonose.
I am proud to say that for the holidays? I bumped butts with the Hoff.
Friday, December 10, 2010
My Couric Related Expertise
On occasion, I check the site stats for the blog. I admit it. I used to be rabid about it, trying to figure out how people found me and who they were so I could hide in their bushes and pelt them with sparkles. (Okay, that last part may be slightly exaggerated. I admit it.) Lately, I check the stats once every couple of weeks just in case there's something interesting for me to talk about.
I've discovered a disturbing trend. Somehow, some WAY, I've become an expert on Katie Couric's body parts.
I'm an expert on a lot of things. If you've been around for a REALLY long time, you might remember my successful campaign to top the Google results for the search term "Batman eyebrows." I'm also the world's foremost authority on the merpire. These titles sit comfortably on my shoulders. I'd happily put them on business cards if I had any. But World Renouned Expert on Katie Couric's Legs?
I hang my head in shame.
Out of the top 10 search results that led people to my blog in the past week, three of them were related to me or my book. (YAY! I LIKE YOU!) Then we have a couple of random elements like hand signs, Katy Perry's carousel dress, zombie penguins, and Batman's eyebrows (no joke). And then? Three searches involving Katie Couric and her various body parts.
I've decided that there's nothing to do but embrace my Couricky expertise. I'm sending you all a holiday card with a hyperactive Couric in a sombrero.
I'm all about giving the people what they want.
I've discovered a disturbing trend. Somehow, some WAY, I've become an expert on Katie Couric's body parts.
I'm an expert on a lot of things. If you've been around for a REALLY long time, you might remember my successful campaign to top the Google results for the search term "Batman eyebrows." I'm also the world's foremost authority on the merpire. These titles sit comfortably on my shoulders. I'd happily put them on business cards if I had any. But World Renouned Expert on Katie Couric's Legs?
I hang my head in shame.
Out of the top 10 search results that led people to my blog in the past week, three of them were related to me or my book. (YAY! I LIKE YOU!) Then we have a couple of random elements like hand signs, Katy Perry's carousel dress, zombie penguins, and Batman's eyebrows (no joke). And then? Three searches involving Katie Couric and her various body parts.
I've decided that there's nothing to do but embrace my Couricky expertise. I'm sending you all a holiday card with a hyperactive Couric in a sombrero.
I'm all about giving the people what they want.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Lure of Paranormal...and Popcorn
Thanks for all the name suggestions yesterday. You got me thinking, and I really appreciate it!
So. If you read my blog last year, you'd know that I was a panelist for the Cybils. I really loved doing it when I had the chance, not only because it gave me a nice excuse to read and talk about a bunch of books, but also because I met some awesomesauce people. Kelly is one of those people, and we talked for a while after Cybils but then life got in the way. Flashforward until a couple of months ago, and I said, "Hey, I've got this businessy thing to do; I'm going to use it to get back in touch with Kelly! YAY!"
Yeah, I totally talk to myself like that too. This is sadly not exaggerated AT ALL.
Anyway, we started talking again, and a few weeks ago, we had this conversation:
So. If you read my blog last year, you'd know that I was a panelist for the Cybils. I really loved doing it when I had the chance, not only because it gave me a nice excuse to read and talk about a bunch of books, but also because I met some awesomesauce people. Kelly is one of those people, and we talked for a while after Cybils but then life got in the way. Flashforward until a couple of months ago, and I said, "Hey, I've got this businessy thing to do; I'm going to use it to get back in touch with Kelly! YAY!"
Yeah, I totally talk to myself like that too. This is sadly not exaggerated AT ALL.
Anyway, we started talking again, and a few weeks ago, we had this conversation:
Kelly: Hey, I'm looking for someone to write a SERIOUS post for our librarian blog.Kelly is a brave, brave soul. Despite the popcorn debacle, she persisted. And now, a semi-serious post by me is up at the FABULOUS Stacked website. Hope you'll read and enjoy it!
Me: I like librarians!
Kelly: Cool. We need someone to write about why you should read paranormal books.
Me: I like paranormal.
Kelly: Yes, I know. Would you like to write it?
Me: I like wombats too.
Kelly: Um...what do wombats have to do with anything?
Kelly: WHAT?!? You're confusing me!
Me: ...popcorn...
Kelly: My brain is starting to melt.
Me: So you want me to write a serious blog post? Are you sure that's wise?
Kelly: ....
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Name Game
I'm distracted today by sparkly new idea. I think I'm finally going to cave and start it--not that I really need another book in the works, but I'm waiting for feedback from the EXPERTS OF AWESOME (aka my agent and editor) on everything else I'm working on. And not working on a project gives me the twitches.
So. New project.
Unfortunately, my main character doesn't have a name, and I always have problems with this step. I can usually name the guys for some reason, but I struggle with naming female characters. Does this happen to anybody else, or is it just me?
Here's my issue--most of the really good girl names are already taken, either by people I know too well or by MCs in really well known books, and somehow I think if I named my girl Katniss or Tally, I'd suffer in comparison. And I can't do bad things to a character named after a friend's baby, because friend will inevitably read and apply for a restraining order. (True story--I had a great idea for a twin book during which lots of Bad Things happened. And then I had twins. I will never write that story, because I know my girls will read it and wonder which one of them I want to be murdered.)
So...I'm now trolling for random girl names. Got any good ones in your back pocket?
So. New project.
Unfortunately, my main character doesn't have a name, and I always have problems with this step. I can usually name the guys for some reason, but I struggle with naming female characters. Does this happen to anybody else, or is it just me?
Here's my issue--most of the really good girl names are already taken, either by people I know too well or by MCs in really well known books, and somehow I think if I named my girl Katniss or Tally, I'd suffer in comparison. And I can't do bad things to a character named after a friend's baby, because friend will inevitably read and apply for a restraining order. (True story--I had a great idea for a twin book during which lots of Bad Things happened. And then I had twins. I will never write that story, because I know my girls will read it and wonder which one of them I want to be murdered.)
So...I'm now trolling for random girl names. Got any good ones in your back pocket?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Things That Make Me Snarf - Indian Thriller
This video restores my faith in the human race. Or it would if I had lost my fate in the human race in the first place, which I haven't.
And now I want to go to India and dance with the girly men. Who's with me?
And now I want to go to India and dance with the girly men. Who's with me?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Random Shouting...and GIVEAWAYS!
This is another of those Carrie Takes Over the Interwebs weeks. But don't you worry; I promise to be a kind despot who gives everyone zombie penguins and sugar lips. But not zombie penguins WITH sugar lips, because the universe would probably explode from sheer awesomeness.
Anyway. If you weren't around this weekend, please go to Badass Bookie's site! She has a list of 10 random things about me that involves Princess Leia, killer bees, brains, and corn syrup. That's here. And there's also a little inside info about BAD TASTE IN BOYS that I haven't shared anywhere before. (TEAM JONAH!) And it comes with a giveaway.
So I hope you'll go check out the giveaway and inside info here. And then come back here tomorrow for...
I'll stop now.
Anyway. If you weren't around this weekend, please go to Badass Bookie's site! She has a list of 10 random things about me that involves Princess Leia, killer bees, brains, and corn syrup. That's here. And there's also a little inside info about BAD TASTE IN BOYS that I haven't shared anywhere before. (TEAM JONAH!) And it comes with a giveaway.
So I hope you'll go check out the giveaway and inside info here. And then come back here tomorrow for...
I'll stop now.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Here, Dressy Dressy Dressy!
Today's blog is going to be a bit short, because I'm taking my herd of children for holiday pictures, and of course I thought I had both of the twins' dresses but it turns out I can only find one. In the past couple of months, I have turned into a complete airhead. I have lost track of how many times I've lost my phone. I had to launch my son through the window to get into the house after I locked my keys inside. I haven't locked them in the car with it running--
Oh god. I shouldn't have said that.
Anyway, I'm going on the GREAT DRESS HUNT. Wish me luck. And if you get a holiday picture of my kids in Hawaiian shirts and flip flops, you'll know why.
But before I go, there is NEWS! If you're around this weekend, stop by Badass Bookie on Sunday to read a list of randomly associated things about moi! There will also be a BTIB giveaway on either Sunday or Monday. OoOooOooooOh! Free things make me make funny noises.
Now, on with the dress hunt! Wish me luck!
Oh god. I shouldn't have said that.
Anyway, I'm going on the GREAT DRESS HUNT. Wish me luck. And if you get a holiday picture of my kids in Hawaiian shirts and flip flops, you'll know why.
But before I go, there is NEWS! If you're around this weekend, stop by Badass Bookie on Sunday to read a list of randomly associated things about moi! There will also be a BTIB giveaway on either Sunday or Monday. OoOooOooooOh! Free things make me make funny noises.
Now, on with the dress hunt! Wish me luck!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gift Recommendations for Weird People
It's getting to be that time of year, when we're all scrambling to buy gifts for Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Ramrod the Holy Toaster Day. Whatever. So I've started to do the whole shopping thing. My family is pretty big on lists, so my Christmas morning is usually full of things I actually want and need as opposed to the sweater with the pink flamingos staring at my boobies.
I got that once. I posted a picture. It's too traumatic to go back and look for.
But what do you do when the person you're buying for doesn't give you a list and they're a total lunatic? You turn to me for advice, of course. I get all the best lunatic holiday gifts from one of three top places.
1. Too Fast. Too Fast is the place to go for clothing items with zombies on them. Some of the zombies also stare at or grab the boobies, but it's better than flamingos. This year, I'm partial to the werewolf stompers (to go with my zombie pair), the eyeball leg warmers, and the zombie wall clings.
2. Fred and Friends. I may be related to the people behind Fred and Friends. They REACHED INTO MY BRAIN and pulled out the mixing spoon drumsticks, the ninjabread men, and the brain freeze ice cube trays. I would like to decorate my entire home with Fred and Friends.
3. The Knotbygranma Etsy shop. Oh, Jess. Before you, no one filled my need for crocheted valentines dolls with tentacles coming out of their mouths and three headed cheerleaders. My life is complete now that I have seen these things, or it will be once I get my hands on one of those tentacle girls.
So there you go. Where else do you go to get gifts that aren't...well, NORMAL?
I got that once. I posted a picture. It's too traumatic to go back and look for.
But what do you do when the person you're buying for doesn't give you a list and they're a total lunatic? You turn to me for advice, of course. I get all the best lunatic holiday gifts from one of three top places.
1. Too Fast. Too Fast is the place to go for clothing items with zombies on them. Some of the zombies also stare at or grab the boobies, but it's better than flamingos. This year, I'm partial to the werewolf stompers (to go with my zombie pair), the eyeball leg warmers, and the zombie wall clings.
2. Fred and Friends. I may be related to the people behind Fred and Friends. They REACHED INTO MY BRAIN and pulled out the mixing spoon drumsticks, the ninjabread men, and the brain freeze ice cube trays. I would like to decorate my entire home with Fred and Friends.
3. The Knotbygranma Etsy shop. Oh, Jess. Before you, no one filled my need for crocheted valentines dolls with tentacles coming out of their mouths and three headed cheerleaders. My life is complete now that I have seen these things, or it will be once I get my hands on one of those tentacle girls.
So there you go. Where else do you go to get gifts that aren't...well, NORMAL?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Links, Free Books, and Much Squealing
There is awesomeness all around the internet, starting today. And it is free book related awesomeness.
First, have you seen the Class of 2k11 trailer? It has ZOMBIES, and...oh, I can't do the awesomeness credit. Just watch it.
I need to hire that zombie guy for my official book trailer.
NEXT, the lovely ladies of Dark Faerie Tales and Tynga's Reviews have kicked off a super cool feature for December. It's called Dark Winter Tale, and the idea is simple--get a bunch of authors together and have them co-write a short story about winter.

The first installment from Leslie Livingston, author of WONDROUS STRANGE, DARKLIGHT, and TEMPESTUOUS, is up today. Not only is it made of awesome, but it also includes a book giveaway.
My bit of the story will be up later this month. Don't worry. I'll remind you.
AND, if that's not enough, you MUST visit Badass Bookie for her December Debutante Event! There will be interviews, and guest posts, and more free freaking books! The giveaways start today with Julia Karr's XVI, so go and visit pronto.

Why yes, that IS badass.
Okay, so I've done all the links and passed out the info. Now I can flip out.
I know all of us look forward to the whole holding-the-book-in-your-hands thing, but what about the other fun author things? What authors would make you squeal to share a blog event with?
First, have you seen the Class of 2k11 trailer? It has ZOMBIES, and...oh, I can't do the awesomeness credit. Just watch it.
I need to hire that zombie guy for my official book trailer.
NEXT, the lovely ladies of Dark Faerie Tales and Tynga's Reviews have kicked off a super cool feature for December. It's called Dark Winter Tale, and the idea is simple--get a bunch of authors together and have them co-write a short story about winter.

The first installment from Leslie Livingston, author of WONDROUS STRANGE, DARKLIGHT, and TEMPESTUOUS, is up today. Not only is it made of awesome, but it also includes a book giveaway.
My bit of the story will be up later this month. Don't worry. I'll remind you.
AND, if that's not enough, you MUST visit Badass Bookie for her December Debutante Event! There will be interviews, and guest posts, and more free freaking books! The giveaways start today with Julia Karr's XVI, so go and visit pronto.
Why yes, that IS badass.
Okay, so I've done all the links and passed out the info. Now I can flip out.
I know all of us look forward to the whole holding-the-book-in-your-hands thing, but what about the other fun author things? What authors would make you squeal to share a blog event with?
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