So, without further ado, I present to you a variety of YA and MG authors with questionable hair...and the cover of my next book.
I owe a tremendous amount of thanks to everyone who submitted pics--you have fabulous senses of humor. Do YOU have bad hair pics, dear reader? HOLD ON TO THEM. THERE WILL BE CONTESTS.
Speaking of contests, if you share the link to this post on twitter, facebook, your blog, skywriting, etc, and let me know in the comments, I'll enter you into a random drawing for a signed BAD TASTE IN BOYS hardcover! I'll pick a winner on Monday.
AND, for those of you who can't watch videos, here's the cover in all its hairy glory.

oh yes! This is TOTALLY FABULOUS! I'm sorry I missed out. I was having a BAD LIFE DAY. You guys rock, as does the cover of your book. Love and kisses!
I still can't believe I voluntarily humiliated myself.
What a great video! And I LOVE that cover! :) :) :)
What a scream. I still think Trin's hair is adorable, though, whether or not it was held together with a jar of Dippety-do. And Alissa, I want my Coke shirt back. (I discovered pix of me in the exact same walking billboard of a rugby shirt.)
Gae, I almost put in that picture of you with the orange sprinkles, but you had good hair that day. ;)
Emily, so glad you like them both! VERY excited!
Very cool cover!
Angie, my girls keep watching the video with me, and they'll go, "Silly hair...crazy hair...bad hair..." and then we get to Trin's picture, and they say, "CUTE HAIR." :)
Cari: Thank you! I'm really excited about it!
Posted on my FB account! Enter me in that contest, baby. I'm going poor buying all the books Kate's clients have published! Oh, and congratulations. :)
LOVE it!!!
Susanne, thanks so much! And I CANNOT wait to get my hands on your book!
Love the video! You all were so brave. The new cover rocks!
Thanks for the giveaway!
This is SO fun! I love the music. Off to share!!!
LOVE the cover!!! And I can hardly wait until the release day!!!
Andrea, I'm still so thrilled that all my friends were willing to humor me and submit pics. THEY ROCK. AND THEY WRITE AWESOME BOOKS TOO.
Caroline, isn't the music great? It's the Tales from the Crypt theme song. I used to love that show.
Sophie, every time I see your name, I think, "Creme brulee torch! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" Which is so awesome. Thanks for the congrats!
What a fun and clever video! Loved it. It brought back a lot of memories because I had hair like some of those people. Holy Yikes!
oh no - I can't see youtube at work! I can't tell if I should be REALLY embarassed right now...
LOVE the cover, Carrie!
Julie, my problem wasn't finding a bad hair pic. It was deciding which one out of the HUNDREDS at my disposal to choose. So I know exactly what you mean! Glad you enjoyed it!
Joanne, you definitely shouldn't! We're all in this boat together. Too bad there isn't a hairdresser with a time machine on this boat... :D
It's wonderful! I can't wait!!! (and I tweeted about the cover reveal!/123turtles/status/167276089809448960 )
I like the cover and video. It's great that so many authors were up for it :-)
Adorable and funny!!
LOL!!! This is hilarious and SO exciting. I cannot wait for this book. :)
Shared the link on my blog (, my library's YA blog ( and on Facebook (Jessica Miller)!!
The cover looks amazing! And I lol'd at all the pictures XD Oh god, I have a picture of myself when styling your bangs like a fan above your forehead was an acceptable hairstyle.
Also, I tweeted! :D (is it selfish of me to want a signed BTIB when I already have the book?)
ATU: I'm so glad you like it! Thanks so much for tweeting!!!
Petra: Yeah, I'm lucky to know so many cool people. They humor me. :)
Kimberley: YAYTHANKS! (It's all one word now, apparently.)
Jessica: You rock. TOTALLY.
Lori: I had those bangs too. I also had the bowl haircut, and an afro, and briefly, the ski jump bangs. SO. BAD. And no! Not selfish at all! You could always pass the unsigned one on to someone else!
Really clever video...and,love the cover. Off you go!
Angie, me too! I laughed out loud when I saw Alissa's Coke shirt! My brother and I each had one in a different color so we could be EXTRA cool and swap shirts!
Love love love the cover!!!!! And I'm so excited to get another story with my Favorit geek Kate!! Wooho!
Humiliation loves company - glad I wasn't the only one who lived through my teens in bad hair and glasses...actually 55 years later I still have bad hair and glasses, but I don't let it bother me any more.
Kim: Thanks! I take your bucket of awesome and raise you a bucket of kraken!!!!
Tess: Thank you! As always, you are just the SWEETEST PERSON EVER.
Robin: I didn't have that shirt! Now I'm feeling like I need a time machine so I can go get one!!!
Danny: YAY! Every time someone calls Kate their favorite geek, I feel like my geek cred has been solidified. :)
Carole: Hey, you're adorable in ALL the pictures I've seen of you! Especially the ones with bloomers. I happen to particularly like those. :)
Seriously, what was it with perms in the 80s? You'd think the smell alone would've stopped us all from poodling up. Luurved being part of the humiliation and looking forward to a very hairy November :)
OMG this MADE MY DAY! Carrie, you're a genius! Also? The cover rocks like whoa and damn!
Love it Carrie!!! And I love that cover too. You are awesomesauce!
Yes, yes and yes...LOVE IT!!! And, omg, the, I am SO glad I am not the only one with a "big hair" past. In high school, I had a perm AND the really high bug shield bangs. Sexy.
Wow, what a lovely cover. I've posted this on my twitter here:
I would like to enter but i just wanted to inform you i live in England, UK. I'm not sure if the contest is international or not, but i've tweeted the link anyway. :)
Stasia: You. Crack. Me. Up. I'm sure I'll have more to say after I clean all the spit off my computer.
Trin: I really want to submit that sentence as one of the blurbs for my book. "THIS COVER ROCKS LIKE WHOA AND DAMN." I won't, of course, but I WANT TO. :)
Jessi: YOU TOO ARE AWESOME. In a baconatory kind of way, even, which is EXTRA.
Vivi: We would have gotten along so well in high school. That's all I have to say.
Annabelleh: Thanks for entering, and for letting me know where you live! I HAVE to enter you now. DUE TO ANNABELLEH'S AWESOMENESS, THIS CONTEST IS OPEN INTERNATIONALLY!
Yay's gorgeous!!!
Can't wait...ya ya ya!!
It's gorgeous! And perfectly appropriate to the title, lol.
Congrats, Carrie!
I meant to add that I am sharing now on Facebook! So please enter me - and your cover is AWESOME!!! I love it. YAYTHANKS! We'll start a new fad with that . . .
AHHH this made my day (that cover is gorgeous--you've got some good covers, lady)!! Just tweeted it!
I am honored to have the most hideous hair that I was chosen by YouTube to grace the thumbnail. Only for you, Carrie...
Awesome! I love it. Love the new cover too.
The level of this awesome is UNMATCHED BY ANYTHING ELSE ON THE INTERWEBZ!!!!
Also, love the cover. :)
Mandy: I can't wait either! I may very well explode before November. BE WARNED. :)
Tere: I have experience with bad hair. TOO MUCH EXPERIENCE.
Kimberley: YAYTHANKS to your YAYTHANKS! (Methinks I might be taking this too far...?)
Christina: Oh, thank you! I've really won the cover lottery, haven't I? So lucky.
Amy: I still envy your current hair. Maybe youtube senses that...?
Laura: Thank you! This was WAAAAAY too much fun to put together.
That video was great. I would have to scrounge up my 7th grade pictures -- when that bang thing was in. BTW I tumbled it:
Wow, Thanks for letting me know. I'm now super excited!
LOL. Completely AWESOME video and cover!!!!
Your cover is fantastic, Carrie!!! Thank you for including me in the video. It's an honor to be among such spectacular heads of hair ; )
Love the cover. The video was fantastic. It made my day. lol! Best cover reveal ever!
I tweeted about it.!/amabe421/status/167320374562918401
Awesome cover! Can't wait for the book to come out. :D
Best. Video. ever. And the music MADE it!!!!
And once again, a cover to be envied.
Congrats my friend. Love, love, love!
Carrie - it is awesome!!!
Gretchen: Well, you're in it, so OF COURSE IT'S AWESOME!
Parajunkie: I still find it difficult to understand why that bang thing was in in the first place. And I DID IT. :)
Annabelleh: Absolutely! Thanks for entering, and good luck!
Marsha: Thank you! I'm so psyched! So psyched, in fact, that it took me a couple of tries to spell the word "psyched."
KM: Thanks for subbing! Cannot wait to meet you and your CLIPPERS. ;)
Amy: AAAAAA THANK YOU FOR SAYING SO! I had a lot of fun.
Katie: I can't wait too! It seems like a long time, but ARCs will be out relatively soon, I think!
Katie A: Thanks, you awesomely kind person, you. I kind of want this music to be on the soundtrack to my life.
Julia: Oh yeah? Well, so are you! ;)
Haha, I love the video! It's awesome to see authors' bad hair days! That's a treat! And I love the new cover!
I tweeted about the post here:!/nodizzies/status/167361114106109953
jadedlittlegirlx AT gmail DOT com
That's some scary hair, Carrie Harris!
Hehe! This means the book is getting close to release. Wahoo! Great cover! Congrats!
That was a genius way to reveal a cover! Can't wait to read Bad Hair Day. Also: I tweeted!!/epicbooknerd/status/168407590525607938
Thanks for the giveaway! :D
OOh YAY! Awesome cover, Carrie! And great video too. *snicker* :P
well im just now seeing this, but mrs. harris im 13 and i really LOVED bad taste in boys.I enjoy reading and i cant wait to read bad hair day. I hope there are gonna be more than this too :)
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