One of the best things about being in this whole writing biz is getting to meet awesome people. And Katlyn Duncan is one of them! I remember when she sold her first book, Soul Taken, and I got really overly excited and probably creeped her out. But hey, I like it when good things happen to good people. Anyway, when she asked if I could take part in her Soul Possessed blog tour, I was all HECK TO THE YEAH. So without further ado, here's Katlyn!
PS - Her cover is gorgeouser than gorgeous. That is too a word.
I am so excited to be kicking off my Soul Possessed Pre-release Blog Tour with Carrie Harris! Keeping with the zombie theme of the first book in her series, Bad Taste in Boys, Carrie came up with a great post question.
What four YA characters would you like to hang out with during a zombie apocalypse?
I’m a big Walking Dead fan (and of zombies in general) so I pretty much think about this situation at least once a day. Well, with real people at least. But the YA character theme is very fun!
First off, I would want someone with brains. Hermoine Granger (Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling) hands down. She is extremely intelligent and carries a tiny bag with endless supplies, perfect for keeping anything we find in a safe place. Also her having a bit of defensive magic always helps.
Next, I need a guy with brute strength. You know, just in case we are scavenging for food in a house and Hermione is on a bathroom break. So I picked Jacob Black (Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer). As much as I think Taylor Lautner is adorable, I am talking book Jacob. Six feet seven inches of muscle with the ability to turn into a bloodthirsty creature at a moments notice? Heck yes! And with his abnormally high body heat, I know my toes and fingers won’t fall off if we encounter cold weather.
For strategizing and a great fighter, I chose Prince Ash (The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa). He is smart and calculating, making him the leader of our little group. If he can successfully navigate the Nevernever, I am convinced he can handle a zombie apocalypse. And he’s not hard to look at either. *swoons*
And even though my group is already pretty amazing I thought I’d add a necromancer into the mix. Chloe Saunders (Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong) may be a doe-eyed petite girl but when it comes to things that are dead, having her to control them if needed would be a key to our survival.
So there you have it! The five of us would have many adventures trying to find food, shelter, and possibly a way out of one scary situation. That could be a book in itself!
Thanks for having me Carrie!
I am hosting two giveaways below. The international giveaway is for a $25 or gift card. All you have to do is pre-order Soul Possessed and email me your pre-order confirmation at and you are automatically entered! The second giveaway is for U.S. only and it is an eBook of Soul Possessed from Good luck!
Release Date: October 28, 2013
Publisher: Carina UK
Series: Book 2, The Life After Trilogy
Genre: YA Paranormal
ISBN: 9781472044556
Pre-Order Links: Amazon US |
Amazon UK
iTunes US |
iTunes UK
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Life after Life
Now Maggie has been given the chance of her after-life to become a Guard, nothing will stand in her way. Not even the undeniable attraction she feels for her trainer and past love—Jackson. But when the battle between Shadowed and Guard begins again which side will she choose?
When her boss, Felix, partners Jackson and Maggie up with Ally and Cooper to investigate terrifying Shadowed activity, she doesn’t think it could get any worse. Jackson and Cooper barely tolerate each other and this time, Maggie isn’t just proving her loyalty to the Guard during one mission...she has a side mission too. One so secret and so dangerous she can’t tell a soul...
"Margaret!" Gemma shouted with glee. "Come out of there, I know you are trying to scare me!"
I watched the young red-haired girl put her hands on her hips, trying to
be brave. She scanned their father's study, narrowing her eyes. The
fire roaring in the hearth was the only source of light in the room,
casting dark shadows across the furniture.
Maggie hid behind her father's chair, in silent wait for her prey.
"I'm going to tell Mother!"
Maggie's little hands tightened on the chair but she didn't make a
sound. I walked over to her, watching her mouth twist up into a sly
grin. She was the older of the girls, but she protected her sister
fiercely, proclaiming she was the only one who could tease her. Gemma
hated when Maggie played games, but it thrilled Maggie no end and I
could feel excited anticipation roll off her in waves.
Gemma's bravery faltered as she stepped forward toward the overstuffed
armchair, expecting her sister to jump out at her at any moment.
But Maggie waited. She had incredible patience, but I sensed that part
of it was stubbornness and a desire to test boundaries. Her head poked
out from behind the chair just as Gemma turned toward the love seat. I
watched as Maggie slowly came out of her hiding spot and charged at her
Gemma let out a scream but Maggie covered her sister's mouth with her hand.
Both girls collapsed on the floor, Gemma's muffled squeals threatening to break through Maggie's tiny fingers.
"Shh," Maggie cooed.
Gemma managed to wrestle her mouth away from Maggie's hand. "I hate
you!" Her indignation faltered into a fit of giggles and Maggie quickly
joined her.
As she helped her sister up from the floor Maggie said, "Gemma. You need
to always expect the unexpected. You can't go through life being scared
all the time." Even though Maggie was a mere nine years old, she spoke
as if she'd lived lifetimes before. It was one of the things that drew
me to her more than any other Prognatum I'd watched.
Maggie took a handkerchief and wiped her sister's cheeks.
"A lady wouldn't do that to her sister," Gemma said, finally relaxing.
"I don't want to be a lady," Maggie stated firmly. "I want to see the world and not just make babies for the rest of my life."
Gemma shook her head. "That's what we are supposed to do. That's what Mother does."
Maggie's indignation flowed through her and into me. I knew Maggie was
born to follow through with her Prognatum duties, she just didn't know
it yet. It was rare for a Prognatum to want the Guard position but
Maggie would be thrilled when her father revealed it to her at
As Maggie reached down to help Gemma up from the floor she whispered, "It's not for me."
Gemma wrapped her sister in a tight hug. "I will love you either way, dear sister."
Maggie rested her head against Gemma's shoulder. "I love you too."

Release date: June 4, 2013, Carina UK
Series: Book 1 in The Life After Trilogy
Genre: YA Paranormal
ISBN: 978-1-472-01709-3
After-life just got a lot more complicated
Maggie is a Soul Collector. It’s her job to transport souls from the Living Realm to the After – but during a mission to find a stolen soul, she ends up stuck in a teen mean girl’s body. Trapped, Maggie’s soul is catapulted into Ally’s life – and the human world she hasn’t experienced for one hundred years. But, as a descendant of the most powerful beings in the After, Maggie must rescue Ally before the girl’s soul dies…
To survive, Maggie must uncover devastating secrets – because with one soul taken by a terrifying enemy, Maggie’s could be next!
I knelt down again next to Ally and reached out to touch her skin. Even though the sensation was unpleasant, I could feel her pulse as it rapidly declined.
"No," I moaned.
I looked up again to see if any of the Guard could help, but no one was around.
I looked back down at Ally. Her face was paling by the second. My soul started to tingle. I leaned closer to her body, reaching my hand out to touch her face again, when her arm moved toward mine.
I jumped back.
Heather pushed through the crowd. “Did she just move? Did I see her move?” Streaks of black mascara ran down her cheeks.
A ringing sensation tickled my ear and I tuned in to the True Soul’s presence. I looked at each human. The True Soul was close, but who had it? They all seemed equally shocked at the tragedy.
An uncomfortable pressure in my chest drew me closer to her body.
My soul slanted toward hers until I was practically on top of her. I helplessly watched my hand morph and stretch toward her body. "What the—?” I tried to pull back but the strength of whatever was happening had other ideas. My hand disappeared first, then my arm, then my torso.
But before I could call for help, my world went dark.
I knelt down again next to Ally and reached out to touch her skin. Even though the sensation was unpleasant, I could feel her pulse as it rapidly declined.
“No,” I moaned. I looked up again to see if any of the Guard could help, but no one was around.
I looked back down at Ally. Her face was paling by the second. My soul started to tingle. I leaned closer to her body, reaching my hand out to touch her face again, when her arm moved toward mine.
I jumped back.
Heather pushed through the crowd. “Did she just move? Did I see her move?” Streaks of black mascara ran down her cheeks.
A ringing sensation tickled my ear and I tuned in to the True Soul’s presence. I looked at each human. The True Soul was close, but who had it? They all seemed equally shocked at the tragedy.
An uncomfortable pressure in my chest drew me closer to her body. My soul slanted toward hers until I was practically on top of her. I helplessly watched my hand morph and stretch toward her body.
“What the—?” I tried to pull back but the strength of whatever was happening had other ideas. My hand disappeared first, then my arm, then my torso.
But before I could call for help, my world went dark.
About the Author: Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.
Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.
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