Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random Random Bo Bandom

It's time for another mismash of random things. Ready, spaghetti? Here we go.

Things that I've read this week, with haiku reviews:

The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Don't be fooled by the
Butterfly cover, this is
A great sci-fi book

Gaiman fan alert!
If you haven't read this one, you're
Really missing out

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Feel like laughing?
This one is thought provoking
And sacrilicious

Paper Towns
Symbolism oozes
From the pages, which is cool
But kinda messy

Search phrases that people used to get to The Wonder That Is My Blog recently:

Zombie in your heart: I'm not sure whether this refers to love of zombies or a cardiac infestation, but either way, it's wrong with a capital ONG.

Goat sword: Er... huh? Is it a sword shaped like a goat? A sword made out of goat? Or a goat holding a sword? (Just so long as it's not a goat holding a sword shaped like a goat and made out of goat meat, because there's such a thing as overkill.)

How to make a snarf: Ah, grasshopper. You've come to the right place. The question is how you'd like to make your snarf. Do you plan to crochet it, weld it out of chicken wire, or concentrate really hard and see if you have heretofore undiscovered mental powers that allow you to materialize things out of thin air?

If you do, we need to talk. Because I need a new car.

Implants explode while scuba diving: Man, I hate it when that happens.

And last, but not least, I bring you my superhero, which is courtesy of fabulous agent Kate (aka Daphne Unfeasible) and my idols at the Hero Factory.

That's MS. Mighty Feathered Whip Lash to you!


sruble said...

I LOVE the haiku book reviews. Wish I'd thought of that - it's brilliant! And they were fun to read too.

PJ Hoover said...

Your haiku are awesome!

Jim Danielson said...

Love the haiku reviews!

Common phrase to locate my blog "Peep Video"; typically from other countries. Something tells me they aren't looking for Marshmallow Candy expanding in the microwave (which is what they find).

Suzanne Casamento said...

Gasp! It's Angela! Sorta. Does she have a whip?

Kelly Polark said...

I love your haiku reviews, Carrie!
Cool cartoon, too!

Tara Maya said...

Such a cute superhero. :)

Fox Lee said...

Contest update: "Medicine Soup" was rejected by Shroud. I resubmitted to Pseudopod, but you can switch it with another story if you want.

Anonymous said...

Hero Factory! Cool!

Mariah Irvin said...

Now I'm tempted to type in random things to see if your blog comes up...just so you can talk about it!

K. M. Walton said...

That Hero Factory is serious amounts of FUN!!!!

LauraBlue said...

Zombie in your heart is my favorite and if I ever need to search for your blog for some reason, this is the phrase I'll use. ;)