Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kreativly Kreativ

Wow. Me feel so popular. I've received the Kreativ (and it's a very kreativ spelling of the word creative, isn't it?) Blogger award from Christine, Danyelle, and Jameson. Particular thanks go to Jameson, who managed to break every single rule attached to the award and make me feel insanely flattered in the process. And then Danyelle gave me the Literary Blogger Award, because she likes to spoil me.

It seems logical to me. I like to spoil me too.

Anyway, part of the deal with the Kreative Blogger Award is that you're supposed to list seven interesting things about yourself. I'm going to be kreativ and list six interesting things about myself and one blatant lie. Can you spot it? Will my kreativ spelling distract you from the truth? Am I trying too hard to make this suspenseful?

Don't answer that last question.

Okay. Seven kreativ things about me...
1. Wen I train with my fellow ninjuh, I like to sing the Mishun Impossible song to myself. It makes it hard to sneek up on peepul, but I don't care. It makes me feel kewl.

2. I was once run over by a kar. Actually, it was haff of a kar, and it was on stayge, and there was an audience watching. Yeah, they laffed at me too.

3. I took my Spyce Gurl Barbie doll on vaycation with me. We went swumming, and it did very bad things to her hayur. Now she luks like Bedhead Spice.

4. I right my own Mistery Dinner Partys. At the furst one, the "drug addict" brot a bag of Pixy Stick dust & called it his drugs. Best Friend flushed it down the toylet. The drug addict playur was mad, beecuz he wanted to eet the Pixy Sticks aftur the game.

5. I hav actully inhaled Pixy Stick dust up my nose. On a dayur.

6. I hav ben licked on the sholder by a compleet strangur. At a club. I theenk he mistuk me for an ice creem cone.

7. Best Friend and I used two go out dancing two the same club every knite, and wee liked to request sonngs. Butt we wud never say what song we wanted. We did charades & made them gues. Yah, the DJs LUVD us.

Sooo... what's the lie? And does your brain hurt as much as mine from all that terrible spelling?


Laura Eno said...

Congrats on the awards! And, yes, my brain hurt after all the kreativ spelling. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Luky for u I am a horibl speler and didn't notise.

Lynnette Labelle said...

LOL That's funny. It didn't make my brain hurt, more of a cloudy, fuzzy feeling. ;)

Congrats on the awards.

Lynnette Labelle

Keri Mikulski said...


Wait. I'm not supposed to answer the last question.. :) Then, is 'don't answer the last question' the lie? :)

I'm answering anyway - Number 5. :)

Empress Awesome said...

Kreativ awards make me think of kretin, which is really spelled with a C, but who pays attention to that stuff anyway? So I can't say I'm exactly jealous. But I congrat you anyway.

I don't want to say the ninja awesomeness was a lie, because I hate denying ninja awesomeness!!! So I won't. I think I need an english lesson, though, because after looking at your post my spelling seems a little off.

Carrie Harris said...

Snarf. Actually, I meant not to tell me if I was trying too hard to make this suspenseful.

Aaron Polson said...

I hope #7 isn't the lie 'cause it's too damn good.

Eileen Astels Watson said...

I can't guess, I'm too overwhelmed by all the mistakes. You've got me sufficiently frazzled now!

Anonymous said...

Got any aspirin? I should do Mystery Dinners at my house! Good idea.

storyqueen said...

Me brane hert so badd rite now.

Susan R. Mills said...

Congrats on the awards! Are you ever going to tell us which one is the lie?

Natalie Whipple said...


K.C. Shaw said...

Re #6, perhaps the stranger was just overwhelmed at the pot roast smell?

Was #6 the lie? Will we ever know?

Kelly Polark said...

#1 because you listen to the song "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme song" in your head instead?

Elana Johnson said...

I can't think this hard at lunch! Congrats on the awards!

Fox Lee said...

I'm going to go with the first one.

Suzanne Casamento said...

I have no idea. Any of those interesting things could be true.

Kelly H-Y said...

You are hilarious! Congrats on your well-deserved awards!

Anonymous said...

I've done the Pixie Dust thing for dares, too! We also used to pulverize smarties and snort those, too, while playing Girl Talk. After a yellow smartie bloodied my nose, drugs never sounded like a good idea.


Sherrie Petersen said...

Ewe our vary kreeative. Eye lyke dat aboot cha. Da lye wood heve two bee numba too. Dew tale...

Lina said...

I think it's number 1 that's a lie. Also on the kreative speeling point. In swedish you spell Creative...wait for it..kreativ, so didn't sound strange to me :-) They should have gone more creative on the spelling.