So I realize you're probably sick of hearing about editorial revisions, because really, one can only talk about changing verbs from present to past tense so many times before it becomes completely yawn-worthy. So let's switch the tables and talk about YOU for a change. How's your writing going? Anything my crack team of intrepid blog readers can help you with? (But not my intrepid team of cracked blog readers, because trust me, you don't want their advice.)
Free advice you probably didn't want in the first place. And pictures of bathtubs with writing all over them. Yep, it's just an average day in Carrieland.
For a moment I'd thought I had already commented on your blog because another blogger had to same pictures on their post. Okay, I think my head's going to explode from reading too many blogs first thing in the morning. ;)
My edits are going amazingly well . . . at least until my CP/beta readers tell me otherwise.
Yep, my brain exploded. I forgot to edit my comment first. Oh well. Time to shove the remaining pieces of brain back into my head. :)
Query - What happens if your on both teams?
I'm in edits too. Major edits, as I like to call the first edit where you're looking at continuity and stuff.
So nothing of excitement here.
I'm revising for a conference this weekend and am a little sick of revisions at this point - help!
I'm in revisions too. I keep wondering if I'm just addicted to editing so I don't have to send the sucker out.lol.
I'm revising and trying to get my query letter ready to go. Query letters are 1000 times harder than writing a book. OMG.
I have to revise today. I should be excited for it. But...
Okay, Carrie (or anyone else), what kind of treats do you eat when you revise? I'm trying to cut down on the munchies when I write, but I can't!!! They are so so good.
Had a great comment, but that was completely blown out of my head by my word verification:
Yes, I am ten years old.
I crave salty and starchy treats when I revise, Carolyn. I could seriously make a whole pot of mashed potatoes. And eat it.
And now I'm hungry.
How did you get a picture of the inside of my head???
Your blog is never yawn worthy. Never. And I could talk about changing verbs ad nausaeum.
It just seems like it's so sloooow. I have to write lots of new scenes and I worry they're all going to end up icky rough draft looking, since I don't have time to polish AT ALL to make the deadline. Also, I'm tired of hearing myself complain. :0
Ha ha ha. I posted that same picture yesterday! Great minds... :-)
I'm just starting to claw my way out of website building hell and getting back to work on the book of budget and time saver tips/cookbook. I cannot wait to get back to rewriting my fiction. It's so much easier!
I'm beginning to rue the day I decided to do a nonfiction book.
Ohhhh...that image made me laugh out loud. I think I've been in that tub.
Hope your reverbsions go by fast!
I'm mostly critiquing other people on various workshops in exchange for their critiques. The rewrite starts in a month or so, although the last chapters of my manuscript won't be critiqued yet.
I have a lot to read and critique for my group, so my writing has been slow going. I am almost finished with the first act, but have been there for a month or more.
During one of my critiques, something was pointed out that made me HAVE to revise more than half of the first act, so I have been stuck in revision mode, even though I am not done with the first draft :(
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