But it's a very strange thing, seeing that cover for the first time, because you've imagined it in your head a million times over. (If you're anything like me, that is.) You've imagined colors. And most of all, you've imagined seeing your name on it.
And then it shows up. It's nothing like what you imagined. It's sexy-creepy-kewl. And that means that by association, YOU are sexy-creepy-kewl. Because your name's on it, remember?
Don't believe me? Fine. I'll show you the cover. Just don't tell anyone I did, okay?

You didn't really think I'd show it to you, did you? Not without permission. I'm a good little author.
Anyway, I know some of you have imagined your covers. What did they look like? I imagined a Barbie doll cover, but what I got was much MUCH more awesome.
Hmmm...The cover I've imagined for Succession, you can tell is heavily influenced by the Star Wars book covers. (I'm talking the post Episode VI books here, none of the crap they've been putting out with that newest movie trilogy.) You have the main setting in the background with a couple dragons fighting overhead. Then there are the main characters in the foreground, all caught up in crucial moments of the story.
I'm seriously hoping the cover will be much better than what I have in my head if and when it is ever published.
But Richard Simmons isn't on your cover? I can't wait to see your real cover and read your book. :)
For some reason all of my book covers feature smurfs in compromising positions. can't wait to see what yours looks like.
Well, you've properly tormented us by mentioning your cover and not sharing. :)
My cover? Gads, I have no idea. I'm not very good at coming up with images, so I'm hoping for a kick-ass artist who can do it justice. :)
I can't wait to see it!
I am SO excited for you! What a HUGE moment. YAY!!!
Ooh! Happy dance for you.
Squee!!! I can't wait to see it!
A giant factory, a wrought-iron fence, and naughty boys everywhere - 8-year-olds! Geez, what did ya think I meant? LOL! :-)
I can't think of a more anticipated cover description than, sexy-creepy-kewl...except maybe Wicked!(Hugs)Indigo
you are nothing but a tease!
Yes, I have imagined my cover, and I can't wait to see yours! :)
Happy for anything that brings us a step closer to ARCs. lol!
My covers: for Choosing life, a girl standing on the steps of a bland, concrete faced school,
For firebearer, the Japanese kanji for fire in a flame.
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