's kind of inexplicable. I mean, I could tell you that I've been posting lolzombies based on dance movies, but then you would ask the logical question. "WHY?!?!" And I would have no answer except that it makes me snarf. Hopefully this one makes you laugh too.

Frankly, I would pay good money to see a version of Singin' in the Rain with the Undead.
OMG!it's raining teeth and bones!
Yay, Lolzombies are back. I've missed them so!
I'm a fairly new follower and I love this segment. I would definitely watch a movie based on Singing in the Rain with Zombies. Wicked fun! (Hugs)Indigo
Snort. :D
Ha ha ha ha ha! :-)
I didn't know I'd end up on the web when I went out that day :/
My first impulse was to post a video of Alex and his droogs performing their rendition of Singin' in the Rain from A Clockwork Orange.
See how I didn't do that?
You're welcome.
Ah, musicals.
LOL. They just freak me out. Those zombies. =)
Hee hee!
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