Tuesday, May 18, 2010

WTF Tuesday - Now with Dried Squid!

Another of those days where I have no bloggy ideas and an inability to focus on anything for more than about five seconds. Guess what that means! It's a WTF day, where I get to ramble a lot! Whee!

It's misting again. I certainly don't have it as bad as Nashville, but the constant rain is getting to me, not to mention the water in my basement. I think I need to write a book set in the Caribbean. And then go and research it. Extensively. I'm joking, except now that I've said it, it sounds like a pretty good idea.

I've been getting more feedback on the proposed sequel to BAD TASTE IN BOYS, and multiple people have said that my tertiary characters are really interesting. Like a woman who appears for about two lines: she's described as having razorblade cheekbones. People keep asking to see more of her. I hate to break it to you, but I don't mean that her cheekbones are made of razors. Although that would be kind of cool, now that I think about it. I smell a spinoff!

I keep running into those stereotypical situations that are SO cliche no one would ever believe them if I put them in a book. I guess that goes to prove that cliches happen for a reason. Just not necessarily a good one.

I just got my package of yummy Korean foodstuffs from a contest I won over at my crit group mate's blog. Thanks, Ello! I swear it was random, although if I had thought about it I would have tried to use my connections to sway the selection process. Dried squid was at stake, people. I thought about taking a picture of me eating dried squid for the first time, but that would require, like, getting dressed. And brushing my hair. So I'm not sure it's going to happen.

Yep, that was pretty random. How're you today?


Rena Jones said...

A trip to the Carribean sounds like fun. Congrats on winning Ellen's contest. She had a lot of interesting things in that package.

That's cool, by the way, that people are asking to hear more about one of your characters. That must mean you've done a good job describing her.

Samantha Bennett said...

Hmmm... maybe your razor blade spinoff girl could have a thing for dried squid. Fun post and I hope your basement gets less soggy soon!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I am tired. Yup! That pretty much covers it - tired. BUT...I must teach and parent and pack for our move. Ugh!

Cate Gardner said...

I think you should write a short story about Razorblade Cheeked woman... Consider butt kicked. :D

Carolyn V. said...

I have a cold and should be revising. Only twenty more chapters to go! =)

Sage Ravenwood said...

Haven't brushed hair or gotten dressed yet? Dead give away your a writer. I think we actually do those things in hindsight these days. (Hugs)Indigo

Tiny T said...

If you go to the Carribean can I come too? I might fit into your suitcase :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. I'm researching. In fact, I just googled "Hindu Zombies". As if they actually fall into denominations.

Myrna Foster said...

So, how was the dried squid?

Claire Dawn said...

If I was home, I would invite you to join me in Barbados. A Caribbean novel would be great.

I'm actually kinda tempted by two of my supporting cast too. Not as minor as Miss Razor Blades though.

Kristy Colley said...

Carrie - I feel so violated by the gaze of that unicorn man. And his tight man-diaper.

But I still love you. Well done.