Monday, July 26, 2010

Monsterize Me!

I SHOULD be editing. I'm way behind after we had a couple of huge storms this weekend and my daughters nearly got blown away by gale force winds. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little, but it was still pretty massive. No power for three days. But I woke up this morning to electricity and an email from Animegirl! She sent me a link to Monster High, where I found lots of fun monsterriffic things. Have you been wondering what I would look like as a merpire? Of course you have.

And now you know. Thanks for the email, AG! You are made of monster sized awesome. If you make a monster, I wanna know what kind.


Beth Fred said...

You make a great merpire. I'm posting your interview tonight, so it'll be in the morning! Thanks again!

Jamie Eyberg said...

Up until 3 years ago I would have said vampire, but after reading Twilight (It was my wife who told me too) I have decided I would like to be cooler than that so maybe a gorgon.

Anonymous said...

I especially like how your dark hair gives you manly little sideburns in the photo. Perhaps you're a merpire/werewolf mix? Are you the Edward/Bella/Jacob/Madison-from-Splash lovechild?! I KNEW IT!!!


Nora MacFarlane said...

What a beautiful merpire! And your skin is a fabulous shade of green.

Ray Veen said...

She looks thirsty for fish blood.

Samantha Bennett said...

Oh wow, this is my first merpire spotting. :)

Anonymous said...

yay! I'm glad you liked it awosme merpire
you know there is a quiz and games and you can get a monster high class schdual and such? yeah

(and incase you didn't know this is animegirl *thumbs up*

Anonymous said...

where are your sparkles?

Kelly Polark said...

You definitely need to dye your hair blue!

Carolyn V. said...

Aw! You even make a cute merpire! So cute. =)

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