Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stupid Fairies

My brain = mush. I'm done editing, but now I'm walking around the house aimlessly trying to refamiliarize myself with real things. Unfortunately, while I was editing, some fairies broke into my house, ate all the food, got all the clothes dirty, and didn't do the dishes.

Stupid fairies.

I'll be back tomorrow with things that are funny. In the meantime, any ideas on how to get rid of malicious house fairies would be appreciated.

In the meantime, you could go read about the lunch I had with Kristina McBride, JT Dutton, and some seriously awesome book bloggers. Or you could go read my latest interview, in which I pretend that I know what I'm talking about to Beth.

Or you could come do my laundry. I wouldn't mind.


Anonymous said...

Here's an idea.

Another option is this little guy. Pick one of those up, and watch Tiny T's husband commit seppuku by frisbee. The video's in Japanese, but, much like the genre of films most likely to contain that type of music, I'm not watching for the dialogue.

You said you need to get rid of fairies, AND there's cleaning to be done? Problem solved!

Cate Gardner said...

Cool interview, Carrie.

Kristi Faith said...

Yup, those faeries mess up my house all the time.

Tere Kirkland said...

Just line your windows and doors with cold iron (not sure what makes it cold, maybe put it in the freezer) and they'll keep out. Or maybe dish-soap would work if they're anything like ants.

You need a Sven. Remember him?

Carolyn V. said...

Come on over, we'll do laundry together. Stinkin' fairies. =)

Stephanie Faris said...

Ah, if only we could write characters to come do all the housework for us while we wrote their stories!

Jessica said...

You may want to check out the cover of Justine Larbaleister's "How to Ditch Your Fairy" (http://www.amazon.com/Ditch-Your-Fairy-Justine-Larbalestier/dp/1599903792/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280267831&sr=8-1)in paperback for some inspiration!!

Unknown said...

It seems that the fairies are really getting around these days. I think someone should invent fairy repellent, it would make our lives much easier!

I'm headed over to see if you have any idea what you're talking about with Beth.

Larissa said...

OMG - It's a fairy epidemic.


Stasia said...

How come all the fairies ever leave at my house is eggs? They eat everything else but there are always eggs. SICK...OF...EGGS (as are my children, who can't wait for me to finish my ms revision)!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I think your stupid house fairies have been to visit me, too! LOL.

btw, I ALWAYS think you're funny!