In honor of this momentous occasion, I'd like to give you something. Would you like some BAD TASTE IN BOYS bookmarks? (I know, I know. I'd give you all cars, but I'm not Oprah. And I'm REALLY okay with that.) If so, please drop me an email at carrie AT carrieharrisbooks DOT com with your address, and I'll pop some in the mail. And please remember to spread the cheer today...kind of like butter on toast.
Ooooh. Strangely fitting.
That toaster is AWESOME! Does it say, "I'm your toaster, Luke!"?
And yes, I'll email you for a few of your fab bookmarks!
Oh, man, does that toaster really burn Darth Vader onto your bread? That is so cool! (yes I'm a geek, and yes, I'm going to click the link to find that toaster!)
Mmmmm, Vader toast. It has to be better than regular toast.
Isn't that the coolest toaster ever? ThinkGeek is one of my favorite places in the world. Except it's not really a place.
Please pretend that made sense.
My daughter has a t-shirt that says "come to the dark side, we have cookies."
I'm not sure why I brought that up but I WANT that toaster!
I love that toaster! And yay! Bookmarks are awesome! :D
Yeah! I love bookmarks! Free ones are even better! =)
That toaster is a thing of beauty. It's even better than finding the Virgin Mary or Jesus on your toast!
"He's more machine now than man..."
Are uyou still mailing them out, becase I would love one.
Also you are my new favourite.
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