- Wrote 15,000 words on the WIP, which once again feels like a Shiny New Project even though I'm almost at the end.
- A sunburn was achieved. For me, it's not a vacation unless there is peeling involved.
- I climbed a volcano and lived to tell the tale.
- We saw LeVar Burton in the airport. I have had THIS stuck in my head ever since. I know he was in Next Generation, but I'll take any excuse to sing that song.
- A crazy Italian man hit me on the head with a pool noodle.
And here are some photos!

Okay, okay. So MAYBE I forgot my camera and am making this last bit up. But the pool noodle really happened.
So glad you made it through the pool noodle incident. How traumatic =). And Yay! on the 15k words!
Diamond Head! Ah I miss seeing that pointy little volcano on my way to class every day.
So glad you and slayer had fun!
Hey, I've climbed that mountain too! But my husband has never had that high of a kick.
Okay, so I am gonna guess at the song without going to the link.... the theme song to Reading Rainbow?
You WORKED on vacation! Bad girl; bad, bad. Glad goals were achieve though, and I hope the Italian was cute. (I know you're married, but pretty scenery is pretty scenery).
I'm with Hanna, I immediately assumed it was the Reading Rainbow theme.
I never would have thought a black guy in tight jeans and bright polos would have had such an impact on my childhood, but, well, here we are.
Jealous! Well, except for the noodle thing.
Great to have you back!
Welcome back! Lucky you to be away in paradise!!!
Did you really not bring a camera?!
ha! I thought that was YOU in the photo!! Sounds like a fabulous time and I think we should all go to Hawaii and get hit in the noodle by the pool boy...er....or something like that!
What in the devil was that video. Can I just live in your brain for one day. It would be fun!
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