Although when you put it that way, it sounds kind of fun.
Anyway. I am so happy to tell you that I managed to dig up ONE LAST ARC. And I am giving it away. Like, NOW. That's right; it's the official SUGAR LIPS BTIB ARC GIVEAWAY! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
The rules are simple. I'm giving out one last ARC to a lucky reader who helps spread the sugar lippy love. You can do this a lot of different ways. Post my lip-tastic cover on your blog or facebook. Change your twitter icon. Take a picture of yourself with sugar lips and post THAT. Make a slideshow of people with sugar lips. Give your dog sugar lips. ANYTHING that is sugar lip related and references BAD TASTE IN BOYS will qualify.

Tell me what you've done in the comments below. You have until June 30th to get your entries in; I will post the winners on July 1st before I take a week off. That's right, peepul. There will be TWO WINNERS.
- The LAST ARC (unless I dig up another) will go to one random participant. You'll get one entry for every post or mention. But you've got to tell me about them in the comments.
- A BTIB hardcover with SEKRIT NOTES will go to one person of my choice. These notes will give you info that I haven't talked about in interviews, like who the original villain was in early versions of BTIB, and my favorite funny lines that I had to delete, and things like that. I'm looking for someone who wows me with sheer volume or cracks me up with some hilarious sugar lippy creativity.
This giveaway is open internationally, so run forth and sugar those lips! And please do ask questions in the comments, because I'm sure that I've forgotten to tell you something important.
Lip on, people. Lip. On.
Hi Carrie!!
I'm the first one to enter! LOL
Anyhoo! My links (I'll be working on the lips collage soon ;)) :
Twitter profile:
Facebook profile:
E-mail addy:
Hey Carrie, I changed my twitter avatar @larissaharvard, I also have a coming soon slideshow on my blog and BTIB is in it!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
I super creatively went on Google and found a cool picture of sugar lips then changed my Twitter avatar!
Then I decided that wasn't enough so I've basically just plastered your book cover all over my wall because it's awesome.
Then I made a facebook banner instead of eating pasta...!/ComaCalm!/profile.php?id=100000151018110
If that doesn't work, Im @ComaCalm on twitter and ComaCalm Blogs on Facebook...
thank you for giving me a reason to google image "sugar lips." who knew there were so many luscious pictures?
also, only 20 more days?!?! rock on!
I have absolutely no skills when it comes to facebook and twitter, so I just wanted to say...
I can't wait for your book to come out!!
You know you've got a place on the blog where your novel sits! I love you too much to not have that!!!!
I'll be tweeting as well. I've recently become a master. I think.
WOOHOOO 20 days away! That's incredible!
I'd coat my lips in sugar if a) I had lips worth photographing and b) if I wasn't on a diet.
I can't believe how fast the publication date has come around, but also how slow. I'm an oxymoron.
Hey! That's my bday!
I'll try and post some pictures soon, but for now -
i follow you on twitter - @star_light91
follow your blog via GFC - Taz
email - tasnim-sheikh[at]hotmail[dot]com
Tasnim x
So far I've tweeted twice -!/star_light91/status/83594520670896129!/star_light91/status/83593729746808832
I also tweeted again -!/star_light91/status/83597265062731776
twitter - @star_light91
Tasnim x
Changed my twitter profile pic! (@jessyabookobssd) must go work on SEKRIT sugar lips project...
I made this: and set it as my Twitter profile, but then I realized my mom probably won't let me enter because of the whole "giving out your address on the internet" thing. But do I get brownie points?
Changed my twitter pic!!/alexis_03912
Thanks for the giveaway! I;ve been wanting to read BTIB for a while now :)
Well, Twitter picture is change!
Posted it on Twitter @JordannnBrooks
AMAZING giveaway! SOOOOOOOOO excited for this one!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! Here are my links
Facebook Profile:
Shared on Facebook:
Twitter profile:!/Entre_Libros
Sugar lips slideshow:
Wish me luck! :)
entrelibros_blog at hotmail dot com
I can't wait to read Bad Taste in Boys. It looks like a keeper.
Changed my Twitter icon to the cover of Bad Taste in Boys.!/Onuoha96
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
I went super overboard crazy fan girl. The idea of a book filled with notes and stuff is so exciting I couldn't help it!
changed twitter avatar, username lesleykj
changed my blogger avatar, and am a follower of the blog
changed goodreads avatar, put it on my to-read list, became a fan, and a friend:
changed avatar on pinterest
for my special extra project of fun, I made a movie poster for Bad Taste in Boys! Notice who the director is? Muahaha >:D
Here's the link:
P.S. - my bday is on 7/12, it's like...fate with zombies. Oohh, that has a nice ring to it. ;D
I posted on my bloggieblog! :)
Americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com
Hi, Carrie~
What an awesome giveaway! I just posted your cover on my blog:
Now I guess I'll have to get creative with sugar lips in order to qualify for the SEKRIT NOTES ('cause I want them!!! ;)
My entry is a blog post just for your book because i heart you!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Hey Carrie,
Hopefully this will either wow you with sheer volume or crack you up with some hilarious sugar lippy creativity. ;) I posted my creation in this blog post:
Enjoy! :D
Taylor Lynn <3
You have me interested so...I am working on this tomorrow! :)
Okay, so I fiddled around with iMovie and a little somethin' somethin'. Then I spent four days trying to UPLOAD IT TO BLOGGER. I now need medication and massive amounts of therapy. I finally just uploaded it to youtube and imbedded it. I hope there aren't any copyright issues. If so, please don't sue me. I'm broke, sleep deprived and have chubby ankles. I'd never win!
i changed my twitter icon! here's my twitter account so you can verify:!/aleezarauf
and my official entry into the contest:
ah, sugar lips. good times.
Hi Carrie!
I've posted what I believe is you hodling Bad Taste in Boys on the top right corner of my sidebar!!!
I would have changed my twitter thingie but I promised someone I woould never,ever change my picture :P
Forgot a link!
Hello!! This is an awesome contest! :)
I changed my twitter profile picture:
and I took a picture of myself with sugar lips:
(it's really easy to get sugar lips- what I did is put on some sticky lip gloss and then stuck my lips onto a spoonful of sugar ;))
Hope you like them! Thanks for the giveaway, and congratulations on your new book!
My email is : candycane16 @ roadrunner . com
Hello, Carrie! Here are my sugar lips:
I can't wait to read Bad Taste in Boys! And love the contest idea, so original!
Sugar Lips for president!
I tweeted:!/LisaMBasso/status/86235040786292736
email: angel28140 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I just attacked you with a ton of Sugar Lips Pics! I made sure that I did it as @carrharr...
Mine is @bookluvrmindy
You will also find it as a WidgetBox on my sidebar of
I was meaning to say I attacked you on! @carrharr but YES! See my blog too!
I am also going to add it to my Facebook Fan Page Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
hello again, Carrie!
In addition to my other 2 entries, I drew a picture of the lips from the cover of Bad Taste In Boys and then covered them in lip gloss and sugar to make them sugar lips! I hope you like them :) !
Again, from my other comment, my twitter is here:
and my Sugar Lips can be found here!:
... and you can contact me here:
Thanks so much!
Here is my last entry for the giveaway, made it just in time to finish my last idea!
tweeted 2 more times too:
I made this blog post on my writing blog that has my last two ideas. One is me and my sugary lips (ooo-la-la) and the other is a ring I made inspired by BTIB!
Hope you like it!
Hi Carrie :D
I blogged about your giveaway, here:
And I retweeted your tweet about the giveaway:!/AmburHostyn
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book! :D
I so want to read this book!
I have put the book cover up on my blog on the right-hand side: and it links back to your challenge.
I'm following you on GFC (Darlene), and my email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi:) Thanks for the great giveaway!
I put the cover as my Facebook profile pic:
I put the cover as my Twitter profile pic:!/SweetNSensible
I put the cover as my Twitter picture!
Awesome giveaway! :)
I changed my Twitter pic.
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