Monday, April 27, 2009

Things That Make Me Snarf - Shawshank in a Minute

This video made me laugh so hard that I cried. Fair warning that this one is rated R, and we're not talking pirates here.

I'm not sure I can say anything funnier than that, so I'm going to cut this short today and leave you with a teaser, which you can read aloud in one of those booming film announcer voices. You know, for fun.

Join us this week on The Wonder That Is My Blog as we unveil MORE Twilight parody, Carrie's email correspondence with the universe, news about the upcoming fabulous Merpire Calendar, and explore the growing rivalry between two bands: Preliminary Merpires and The PUNKtuations. And a bunch of other random things that Carrie hasn't thought of yet.


Hanna Banana said...


(and that's about all I can think too)

Jamie Eyberg said...

I'm actually reading that book (novella) right now, but that was funny.

Barry Napier said...

That was 147 kinds of awesome.

Nice find.

Hanna Banana said...

That was a good read too. I especially liked "Breathing Method"

Keri Mikulski said...


Kiersten White said...

Growing rivalry? Psh. You need more than a cool band name to compete with The Punktuations! I want to see some lyrics, baby.

Fox Lee said...

Oh man, that was much more efficient than watching the actual movie : )

Anonymous said...

ha! that was much easier than watching the movie. It reminded me of my favorite short movie - the sweded version of Jurassic Park.

funny, but no rapping sadly. and much less quality production value.

Kelly Polark said...


Nora MacFarlane said...

That was funny! And really, I find it hard to believe you don't have anything else to add!

Mariah Irvin said...

Ooh. The battle begins.

And...yay calendars/twilight parody!

Stephanie Perkins said...

I love that Red raps in voiceover. But the best line?

"This library sucks, it needs some more books!"


Also, my band > your band.

I'm just saying.

Suzanne Casamento said...

LOL! Where do you find this stuff?

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Sweet...I stopped going to JibJab, because their videos got boring after the Kerry/Bush one. This rocks!

Anonymous said...

Slosh, slosh, slosh

Christina Farley said...

Looking forward to more fun fun fun.

Ray Veen said...

I love your parody because I HATE Twilight. I actually watched the movie this weekend thinking it couldn't possibly be worse then the book. And I don't really need to finish this story, do I?

Angela Ackerman said...

OMG, that was awesome! We just rewatch The Shawshank Redemption a few weeks ago, too.

Love the postcard!