Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things That Make Me Snarf - Star Wars

I'll just let this week's Thing That Makes Me Snarf speak for itself.

And when it speaks for itself, it says, "Mahna mahna."

My son loves Star Wars, and for a while he was calling people Darth Whatever. As in, I was Darth Mommy. Slayer was Darth Daddy, et cetera. It was funny, except for the part where he was implying that we were evil paraplegics that had to walk around in a costume with an iron lung in it, so we made him stop.

And then I got to thinking. I wonder if there was ever a Darth Ewok. Because Darth Ewok is snarftacular, especially if like me you are convinced that the celebratory Ewok song at the end of Return of the Jedi has the phrase "love nubs" in it. I SWEAR it does. Listen to the song and tell me you don't hear "love nubs." I dare you.

Love nubs in Darthspeak would be even better. If I had one of those voice changer helmets, I would record it for you, but I don't.

And then you could have Darth Teletubbies, and Darth Superman, and Darth Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. "There's (Darthbreath) no place (Darthbreath) like home." And the Darth eyebrows would be plentiful. You knew I'd go there, didn't you? You had to know it was only a matter of time.

And before I go, happy Thanksgiving to you travelly type people, and don't forget to check out yesterday's entry for the BRAINS contest.


K.C. Shaw said...

Do I have to listen to the Ewok song? Because I really really really don't want to! I believe you that they say love nubs. I would believe anything about the Ewok song.

Darth Lucas. Nuff said.

Sherrie Petersen said...

George Lucas has made thousands off of my family alone. My son has the helmet. Should I record it for you?

Anonymous said...

Darth Seinfield, Darth Friends, The Darth View w/ Darth Walters and Darth O'Donnel, Darth Geraldo, Darth Oprah....

Keri Mikulski said...

I love STAR WARS. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, Carrie! Enjoy! ;)

Rena Jones said...

We're Star Wars fanatics too. My youngest boys have been calling each other Anakin and OB1 for years now.

Ray Veen said...

Star what?

Sorry, you lost me.

Tiny T said...

Snarftastic, mahna mahna! :) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well. I will have to listen to the Ewok song now just to see if I can catch "love nubs" :P

Jamie Eyberg said...

I think I have officially watched all the "Mahna Mahna" versions now. My life is complete and I can die a happy man.

PJ Hoover said...

Hmmm...I kind of like the Darth Mommy title. I may have to start that one around the house myself.

Adrienne said...

Do do, do do do!
Those voice changer thingies are fun. You should get one, but not the helmet - get the one that makes the chipmonk voices, too.

Kelly Polark said...

That was a strange song...my four year old watched it with me, "That was funny." was his take on it. He wants me to make sure his brother and sister watch it when they get home from school!
I'm still thinking about the brain contest...

Brenda said...

I had Koda on my lap when I played this and started barking at the screen like he was singing along or something...as far as I know he has never seen the movie, but I might want to start keeping a better eye on the t.v...grin...

Happy Thanksgiving! and Happy Snarfgiving!

Carrie Harris said...

KC: You don't have to. I promise I don't have a secret camera pointed at you or anything. Well, I do, but I still won't care. ;)

Sherrie: Now THAT would be a Christmas present. Heh.

Jeremy: Darth Oprah is a force to fear. That's all I've got to say.

Keri: Me too. As if you couldn't tell.

Rena: My boy is always Anakin, although he can't seem to keep him and Luke separate, so maybe he's really Luke masquerading as Anakin and we just don't realize it.

BPV: You'd better be kidding.

Tiny T: It's in there, I swear! Happy T-giving to you and da man.

Jamie: Er... I don't want you dying because of something you saw on my blog, so please pretend you didn't see it.

PJ: It's a good way to get the kids to do something, I'll tell you that.

Adrienne: We have the Optimus Prime one. I like to order the kids to bed as Optimus Prime. Yeah, I know. I'm loopy.

Kelly: Hope your older kids get a kick out of it!

Brenda: Is your dog secretly a muppet?

Vikki said...

Love Star Wars! Love the Mahna-Mahna song! I am the biggest geek ever. I now feel complete.

(PS Please tell me you've seen the Chad Vader vids on youtube. Hi-larious!)

sruble said...

hee hee, thanks for the video Darth Brainy!

sruble said...

p.s. why was Spock in there? Hmmmm

Carrie Harris said...

Vivi: Yeah, Chad Vader should make an appearance on the Snarfometer some time soon. Thanks for the reminder. ;)

sruble: The Spock thing made me laugh. Doesn't make any sense to me either, but it made me laugh.

Hee. I'm Darth Brainy.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Now if we could just get the Muppets to actually do a scene from Star Wars. That would rock!!!

Kelly Polark said...

OK, my four year old just reminded me to show my nine year old son. My four year old sang along the whole time "Mahna mahna, doo, doo, da doo". My nine year old laughed at the end and said, "That was weird!" Thanks for the giggles for us Star Wars fans.