Now, on to the new and entirely random.
I'm still getting all those visitors from Turkey. And no, Witzl, it's not just you, unless you have your computer set up in the back of a jeep, kind of like Christian Slater in Pump Up the Volume, and you're broadcasting your pirate sounds from various cities all over the wonderful nation of Turkey. To my blog.

But seriously? I hope you're not doing that. That would be freaky. Like Edward stalker level freaky.
Anyway, I have decided that, because I am such a big hit in Turkey, I ought to capitalize on this. I have a new goal in life.
I want to be the David Hasselhoff of Turkey.
Don't think it'll work? Take a good look at this.
Create your own FACEinHOLE
Your eyes are bleeding now, aren't they? But it's strangely beautiful at the same time.
Besides, I could totally do this. Look out Hoff, here comes the Harr!
Do! With olives!
Forget bleeding eyes ... that photo just ensured I'd have nightmares for the next week. LOL
*full body shudder*
Great post, Carrie! Just went to the contest and entered, wow! Love it!
LOL! Love it!
Photo is lol funny. It'll be making the rounds, I'm sure. For a friend's birthday I took an old picture book and manually cut and pasted head shots of many of her friends onto the bodies of the characters. It took a whole day to do it but it was worth it.
You go, girl! Take Turkey by storm!
I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. I'm sleep deprived, but that's only half the reason why.
That was glorious.
ROTFL! My eyes are bleeding, but it's still hilarious.
Yes...olives...must add to grocery list.
I'm buying stock now, before this whole Turkey thing really takes off.
I'm still laughing over the photo...
Excuse me, I'm going to go hide under the bed now.
No! NO YOU DIDN'T! I refuse to believe you posted that. Oh...nooooo.
OMG, that photo just cracked me up!!!
I love starting the day with a laugh - thank you!!
I'm blind...
That pic - yow.
Turkey? That's at least normal. I'm a hit in the Arhus region of Denmark. Of course, only elves live there, but I guess they can read.
I think that photo is HAZMAT.
I concur with MattDel's full body shudder. *ugh*
Ok, I'm off to read the other entrants in the "rename Twilight contest". (echo, echo, echo)
Possibly the greatest idea ever... at least since Hasselhof decided to start his music career.
snarf (Zaboo: "borrowed")
I think I'll be taking the couch for the next century after seeing that picture...
*flipping through phonebook looking for number of good shrink*
I can't get that image out of my head!
The Hoff has never looked better!
Scariest photo ever!!
You cannot give up the Sim for the Hoff!!
I look forward to the video where you read from your book in Turkish while belly dancing.
You're aware that once you post a picture on the internet, it's there forever, right?
Your only problem may come about when David Hasselhoff realizes what you're doing and decides that HE wants to be the David Hasselhoff of Turkey. Can you out Hoff the Hoff?
Crap, or what if the Hoff wants to become the Harr of the United States? I'm envisioning a ludicrous, real life game of Risk. God help us all. Actually, God help the Hoff; you've already got quite an army on your side :P
Ha ha -- I wish I had the TIME to do that! I'm envious too: my Turkish hair fetishists seem to have abandoned me for hairier pastures.
Love that guy. I've got half a dozen of his wannabes in my pre-intermediate this term, but younger and cuter.
:) Too funny. Love the photo.
OMG I LOVE Pump Up the Volume!
I'm glad I saw that photo on my very small laptop screen!
Oh man, that picture is scary! Must. Scrub. Eyeballs. Yikes!
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