One of the best parts about Halloween, though, is costume ideas. I'm all about the costumes. If I could dress in costume every day of the year, I would do it. My favorites are the mashup costumes, where you combine two completely disparate things to create something new. This has the added benefit of developing terrific ideas for new books. For instance, my favorite costume idea from last year was the tooth finja (tooth fairy + ninja). He's in a book now.
Right now, my favorite idea is the rocket powered zombie, aka the Zoombie. Forget the Romero-esque slow lurchers. The Zoombie flies through the air with the greatest of ease. He gets his brains from drive through (or fly through) windows.
If I had a spare rocket pack, I would totally make that costume.
Note: The Zoombie is very different from the Zoomba, which is the zombie self-propelled vacuum cleaner. Personally, I don't recommend the Zoomba. It tends to leave little bits of itself all over the floor, which kind of defeats the purpose in the first place.
And there we go! A short story idea is born, and you were here to witness it. Oh, frabjous day!
I'm also kind of wishing that I was a guy, because if I were? I'd go as Franken-Ben-Stein.

Call me crazy, but I think it's awesome.
How about Gnomula. Gnome+Dracula.
This is fun. I like the idea of hybrid costumes. You and your friends are funny. My husband loves halloween. He's 6'8" so he always dresses up as a Reaper type character. It's really quite creepy. Like Death walking.
I have three girls. 15, 7, and 3. They are princess/witches. Every year. My favorite thing... EVAH.
I love the zoombie! I wish I had a jet pack.
I bought Halloween socks today. I heart Target. I got a cheap headband there too with a spider on it and a little black veil. I'm thinking witch bride this year.
My roommates are trying to make me go out scantily clad on Halloween. Maybe I should recommend the Zoombie instead.
so with you on the halloween awesomeness. My kiddo already has her costume... a black and orange cat complete with tutu. I love that most of her costumes involve a tutu. It makes her that much more awesome. :)
What about a zombie who sweeps your floors? I'd be all over that.
How about a kitty cat zombie, he could be all cute and cuddly and then, when you are least expecting it, he could slice your scalp off with his claws of doom and get to your brains.
No clue what I'm going to go as...kinda limiting being a youth pastor, and all that. I can't go big. Or irreverent. Blah.
I say go as Grimace in leather chaps.
How about mashing up Mouammar Kadhafi and Zombie for the ever popular Halloween favorite with the kiddies...the BOOmmar Ka-zombie?
Seriously, I am so digging the Zoombie idea. My brain is total mush and I think of anything good to add.....wait, maybe the Zoomibe already ate my brain and was just so dang fast I didn't notice.....?
I wonder what you'd get if you combined Ben Stein and Richard Simmons?
hilarious! I wish I could think of a fun combo.
I'll have to get back to ya.
Heya, agency-sis :)
Well, there's always the standard Ninjirate. Ninja-pirate. Or a Gist. A goblin-witch.
Okay, I could do this all night. Must. Stop. Now.
Oh! One more! A Pumpost. A pumpkin-ghost. Linus's worst nightmare.
I love Halloween. And I like hybrid costumes too! I always had a special spot in my heart for kids who dressed like fairy princesses with fangs, or ghosts with those comic red noses and Groucho Marx mustaches.
Last year my daughter was Max from Where the Wild Things Are.
The zoombie and the Roomba. I'm also a huge, huge fan of Clocky! They're so gosh darn sweet.
I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday, hands down. Cause everyone is so excited and into the holiday and there's candy!! Whereas at Christmas, people are stressed about the gifts and sad when people aren't around, etc.
Love the Franken-Ben-Stein!! You crack me up!!
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