There was also a sign that I used to pass on my way to work every morning, way back in the day when I worked with Mad Cow Disease and collected brains as a part of my daily business. (Collect the whole set! Trade 'em with your friends!) There was a sign that said "Big Chicken F - $0.99!" I'm not sure what a Chicken F is, but even the big ones are cheap. That sign was down the road from the sign that said, "Bam! Scampies! Scampies!" That one's not missing any letters, but it's still freaking perplexing.
Anyway, in honor of my signs missing letters fetish, I thought I'd give you these:

You're welcome.
And please don't forget to visit our latest and greatest contest! Make a piece of classic literature a little more Twilighty and win a book!
These totally cracked me up! Love it!
In NYC, I once saw a bus where a sign had been defaced from "PUSH YELLOW TAPE to request stop" to "YELL APE to request stop." Loved that one.
I once passed a sign at a fast food restautant that said Now Hiring Closers.
The next day, the C was missing, and they were left with Now Hiring Losers
Years ago I saw a sign that wasn't a mistake but it cracked me up. I was driving outside the town of Paradise, California.
And an official green sign with an arrow pointing down a road said:
Sanitary Landfill
Peedway! I think anyone whose used a gas station bathroom knows that's right on the money! Hilarious!
Some classmates of mine taped up part of the sign coming into my hometown so it read, 'Welcome to Tabor, a town.' We thought it was funny
I love signs with missing letters. So often they end up embarrassing. Speedway's lesser-known sister store.
It's not even nine a.m. and I've already laughed moronically at peedway. It's a good way to start off the morning.
LOL - the home depot one is a hoot!
There used to be a Lion store by my house that was specifically a "Lion for the Home." Until they apparently decided to significantly change their demographic, as evidenced by the lights for the "m" and "e" being out for several weeks. I mean, that's nice to cater to working ladies, but I don't know how much they spend on home furnishings.
That first sign made me snarf out loud! So funny!
LOL! too funny! :0D
Those are great! I especially love the "peedway."
I pass a sign on my way to work every day at a crappy, run-down grocery store. Its sign says "It's here! 5 pkgs of meat $19.99." No missing letters, but the "It's here!" makes me wonder every time. Were there really people waiting impatiently for the "5 pkgs of meat $19.99" special to start?
I found a book of funny signs once. I shouldv'e bought it.
Love the Ho sign. Sounds like just the place to pick up a few 2x4's. Classic.
For the record, hon, it was "Slam! Scampies! Scampies!"
And I love the Big Chicken F. It still soudns pervy to me. :)
So funny!
And I even get your title reference because I grew up wanting to be a hippie.
LOL - Peedway, lol. That's going to keep me giggling all day!
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