Because they were, right?
Then, we went to see the Purdue marching band play at our high school, because our high school is kewl. And because it was my birthday weekend (and because I'm the prom queen), they played Thriller. It looked something like this.
The only real difference is that it was darker, and we were in a smaller stadium, and there was this crazy chick in a sparkly pink tiara who started shrieking and giggling at the beginning of the song and didn't stop until long after it was over. That chick may have been me.
And then? As if it couldn't get any better? I got a book with zombie cows in it. There was a bunch of other, intensely cool stuff, but I'd like to focus on the zombie cows. Because really, how cool is that? I think I'm in love now. Not in the I-want-to-marry-you-and-have-your-babies kind of way, because I'm quite happy with my ninja, thank you. But in an I'd-like-to-be-your-Padawan-but-only-if-I-don't-have-to-have-that-stupid-braid-that-looks-like-an-80s-rattail way.

Yes, A. Lee Martinez, I mean you. You write about zombie cows and yeti infestations in freezers and robots. I love you, man, and I'm saying that in the drunk and don't really mean it kind of way. If you have not discovered A. Lee Martinez, let me put it to you this way: He's in my Snarfalicious Hall of Fame. He's THAT funny. You should read his books, people. Srsly.
Although I should probably mention that there is some hubba hubba and some ouchie ouch. That would be sex and violence, for those of you no longer in preschool. But it's FUNNY sex and violence.
Belated Birthday Wishes!
Sounds like that was a DAY! Husband took kids out all day as my gift and I spent my bday writing. As in my legs fell asleep from sitting so long, writing. And I loved it. So much.
Hi Carrie :)
I'm glad you had a beautiful joyous birthday!
Thank you for sharing,
Love & Best Wishes,
Very cool- Thriller marching band style on your bday!
My seven year old daughter is in love with Anakin, braid or no braid!
Happy Belated Birthday! I'll have to check out those zombie cows. Muy interesante.
Just laughing. That's all.
HA. Purdue is just too talented...
I'm glad your birthday was so awesome! Everyone deserves zombie cows on their birthday (unless, you know, they don't like zombie cows).
I read Martinez's The Automatic Detective a few months ago and loved it. I'll be buying his new book when it comes out in MMPB form.
You birthday sounds like it was EPIC. The Purdue Marching Band was awesome.
Zoombie cows? Really? I'm totally checking that book out! =) Glad you had a great b-day!
Happy Birthday to the Zombie Queen!
Damn it! I missed your birthday!!!! It sounds like a fab time!
Belated birthday wishes!!!
Psh. Who's this ALEE Martinez dude. I hear he's a TOTAL dork. Not nice to anyone. Damn you and your A team Martinez!
I am, of course, totally kidding. He's actually one of the nicest people I've ever met--and has more comic book heroes t-shirts than most eight year old boys. That makes him extra cool in my book.
I adore sex and violence : )
I'm with Nat on this one. :)
Happy Belated Birthday, Carrie.
I'm glad it was filled with zombie awesomeness and that all your wonderful prom queen dreams came true.
That version of Thriller was awesome!! What a cool way to spend a birthday! Hope you had a fabulous day!!
You gave me an idea for a completely worthless to writing award. An image of a tiara. Everyone who has never been homecoming or prom queen gets one. Sorry Laura (from Lisa and Laura) doesn't qualify.
I'm sorry I'm a few days late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May your year be blessed with reanimated corpses wearing teeny tiny Richard Simmons shorts!
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