This is so awesome that not even Richard Simmons could make it awesomer. I LOVE MY COVER DESIGNER SO MUCH THAT I WOULD KISS HER IF IT WASN'T BOTH WEIRD AND PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. (It's physically impossible because she is in New York, and I am in Michigan, and my lips are not that big.)
Anyway. Here is my cover. You can look at it all next week, because I am taking a vacation and won't be around. Let the lips mesmerize you. You know you want to.

Isn't it spookysexyawesome? I WANT TO LICK THIS COVER. Imagine me running around next week going EEEEEEE! the entire time. Sadly enough, that's probably how I will spend the entire vacation.
OMG! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I would SO pick that up in the book store, Carrie. So excited for you!
Congratulations, Carrie! That is an incredible cover. I'm not a huge fan of zombies, admittedly, but I'm a huge fan of the cover. How thrilling!
Awesome cover! congrats!
Okay that cover is flippin amazing. To-tal score!!!!!
If that cover won't get peoples attention they may be undead already.
Congratulations, Carrie.
You people are making the awesomeness even awesomer.
I thank you. Awesomely. ;)
Already said it, but Dude, that's an awesome cover!
OMG! That is effing awesome. I mean at first the lips and sugar (sand?) seem like the most amazing thing (and they are cool) but after taking a second look that wonky pink font for the title is pretty damn cool as well.
Congratulations Carrie!
Wow! I don't even know what to say! Wow!
Even if you weren't the Grand Snarf Zombie,
Even if you weren't 132 1/2 different kinds of awesome,
Even if Richard Simmons in vegetables wasn't your spokesperson and you didn't have dancing Christopher Walken,
How delightful. Enjoy your holiday, Carrie.
Awesome cover! Have a great vacation, and do lots of EEEEing for me!
Those are some lips! Love it, Carrie.
That is an AMAZING cover! HUGE contratulations! SO lucky to score such a mesmerizing cover! (I have cover envy now)
Awesome!!! Congrats, Carrie!!
Congratulations, Carrie! The cover is amazing. I absolutely love the pink font and the lips are fantabulous.
It is soooo different!
Oh Carrie, I absolutely think it could not be more perfect.
(Richard Simmons is going to be jealous of those pouty lips.....)
Lucky, lucky girl!
That's a great cover congratulations!
Just WOW. It's so gorgeous that people sitting next to my computer commented! :D
LOve it! LOVE it! I shared on my blog and linked back here! Congrats.
Holy crap! That looks amazing!!
You must be so happy!
It's awesome - congrats and enjoy your vacation!
That. Is. AWESOME. But of course you already knew that.
*strokes screen*
Holy crap. Yes, that is quite the lickable cover. This looks amazing. Have a great vacation. I too will be on vacation. If my some chance you will be in or around the Outer Banks, prhap I will hear your EEEEEEEEs.
OMG!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Congrats
Great cover, Carrie!!!! Woot!!
Very cool. So go on, feel giddy.
That is an AMAZING cover, I'm even more excited to get it now! Congratulations it is so so cool!
That is the PERFECT cover for your fans to hold to their chins and take pictures of. . . I can see it happening at your book signings. Fans holding up books standing by famous author having pictures taken. EXCITING!!! Wouldn't that be so fun and you could hand out those big wax lips or lipstick or something crazy like that.
Hugs from one of your friends crazy moms. I'm so excited for you!
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Carrie, it's gorgeous!! Love it!!
SQUEE!!! Congrats, Carrie! That is one AWESOME cover. :)
I'm SOOOO happy for you! Your cover is BEYOND AWESOME! Love it!
I love it!!!!! Love!
I love it!!! w00t!!!
My computer ate my original post (maybe O_o )
Your cover is awesomeness to the max!
Holy crap, that is possibly the coolest book cover I have ever seen!!!!!! I am so excited for you, Carrie!!
LOVE the cover. I would totally pick up the cover based on the art, but also the name. Who hasn't had bad taste in boys? Then I'd read the first page, get sucked in by your awesome writing and buy it.
Now multiply that by thousands.
OMG! That cover completely rocks!!!!!
I love it!!
LOVE IT! Congrats!
And my word verification is: readism
I wish you to use it in a sentence.
EEEEEEEE!!!!! I LOVE your cover! SO much love! I can't even wait to read it.
It is abso-freaking-lutely incredible, Carrie!!!!!!!!! I love it. Congratulations to you.
oh. my. that is FANTASTIC!
LOVE IT!! :) :) :) Congrats!
W00-hoo! Now that's original! Really intriguing and fun. I'm sure people are going to grab it as soon as they see it.
Fantastic : ) That's going to stop people in their tracks!
I love all of you people. Seriously, all your comments are giving me warm fuzzies. I'd lick you too, only that would be really weird.
For the record, that "crazy mom" belong to me, and I'm stealing her idea and holding your cover up to my face so those creepy sexy lips look like mine.
Awesome to bew published! and the cover is crazy good:)
I had to come back to look at the damn thing again. IT IS THE COOLEST COVER I MAY HAVE EVER SEEN?! I mean who wouldn't pick this up in a store? Who?
Wow! That is seriously awesome! Congrats. I can't wait to read it!
It's sooooo gorgeous and sexy, Carrie. I am dying. DYING.
Natalie, you and your mom will need to visit my website when it gets launched post-vacation. That's all there is to it. ;)
YOU PEOPLE ARE AWESOME. I would like to send Richard Simmons to your house, covered in vegetables, to sing you a happy song. That wouldn't creep you out, right?
Oh my gosh!!! It is super awesome! LOVE IT! Congrats Carrie.
Freaky Fantastic Awesome!!!!!!!!!! I love it, Carrie. :)
Fantastic cover. Congrats.
Oh my god, Carrie! It is SO DELICIOUS! I totally LOVE it!!!! Yay! Congrats :-) Can't wait to read it!!!!
Wow Sir! I mean Wow! I wouldn't know after I buy whether to read it or just stare at the cover. Congratulations Trippy. Have a Great Vaca!
Omg! I LOVE it! Congrats! :)
Oh, that is awesome! You're going to sell a billion copies!
Not what I expected.
Love it.
Although when I looked for it on Amazon, I got Icelandic folksongs. This may be because it's not *on* Amazon yet (?) but still. I thought you should know that.
Dude! That's an AWESOME cover!! Sweet!
Great cover! I love it.
Wow! What an eye-catching cover! Very cool. Congrats!! :)
So gorgeous - and WHERE did they get that lip model?!!?
Coolest cover! I would definitely pick that up at the store.
That cover is delicious! Congrats, Carrie!
LOVE that cover! It's awesome.
LOVE the cover! That is so cool!
That cover is AMAZING! The cover gods love you. :)
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