"Me? I'm not addicted. I just need more wackiness in my diet. And protection from bullets."
Apparently, dogs need protection from bullets too, because when I googled "when sequins attack," I found this dress from trixieandpeanut.com:

Maybe we should leave the sparkling to the undead. Because vampires and sparkles go together like...uh...like...
Okay, why do vampires and sparkles go together? And if you were the only human around who knew about vampires, how on earth would you go about convincing people about their sparkly existence without getting sent to the hospital with the padded rooms and compulsory craft time?
I think that conversation would go something like this:

Yeah, I kinda thought the same thing.
Yeah, never could make a solid connection between blood sucking, sexy vampires and sparkles.
Sparkles and Vampires will always be together now thanks to Stephanie Meyer, that thought is embeded in our brains forever! In fact I touch base on it on my thursday post this week, you'll have to stop by, LOL
Umm...I'm not sure if vampires and sparkles go together, but I LOVE sparkly vampires, at least one. So sad--we're both happily married to other people. Such is life...
Sparkly vampires just seem a whole lot less frightening to me. Sort of like that little dressed up dog as opposed to a Rotweiler in a studded leather collar.
Sparkly Vampire=Spampire.
Yes,I have just coined a new term. Feel free to use it at your leisure.
Another bloggy friend coined the phrase 'smex' so now we have Smexy Spampires.
Now it just sounds like I have a lisp.
That poor pup.
Smexy spampires?!?
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