Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

If that's not enough excitement, Night of the Giving Dead starts TODAY! You can bid on ARCS, signed books, critiques, and lots of other fun prizes. And there are grand prizes, one of which rhymes with windle and the other of which rhymes with fix grunth plighting tentorship. If that doesn't pique your curiosity then...well, you're a lot more normal than me.
And there's one more bit of excitement that I'd like to share. The people of Delacorte are moving their offices, which means PACKING. And like the rest of us, when they pack, they FIND THINGS they didn't even know they had. Like ARCs.
One of the best things about this whole experience has been YOU GUYS. Your comments crack me up. So I'm giving away a personalized BTIB ARC today to one random person who comments on this post. It's my way of saying thank you for being awesome. Comment before 7 PM EST to win! And if you follow me on Twitter, make sure to check out the giveaway there too!
Yeah for happy pickles!!! Seriously, this has to be beyond exciting for you... Sa-weet!
I can promise I will be the first in my bookstore to buy it! Come to Indiana to do a book signing so I can get the author to dedicate it her favorite "Timewarp" partnner...
is the ARC pickled? cause that's the only way i'd want it.
but the book? the book i'll be buying tmrw. i've already asked my local indie to order it for me. :)
Of course us hippies would love some pickles...err I mean ARCS. We would love an Arc!
-Amanda Welling
Hippies, Beauty and Books OH MY!
That's awesome. I'm pretty excited for you.
Um..that mad scientist* picture is awesome. Thinking that is the new author photo....
Happy tomorrow!!
*I accidentally types schientist the first time. I kind of like it.
I am so excited for you and BTIB! I can't wait to read it.
I'm off to check out Night of the Giving Dead now...
hahahahaha...oh, I needed that giggle this morning, thanks!
SO excited for BTIB!! Happy almost launch day, Carrie :D :D :D
Haha, welcome back, Carrie! Yay for non-pervy happy pickles. ;) You must be SO STINKIN' EXCITED right about now... only SO STINKIN' EXCITED is probably an understatement. LOL
Thanks for the chance to win a personalized copy! This is pure awesomeness. Thank you, Delacorte peoples, for moving offices!!! ;D
I am beyond excited about reading BTIB!!! Congratulations on your book birthday finally arriving!
Just out of curiosity, why a pickle?
I like being random, and winning things. Pickle juice.
Also, Night of the Giving Dead - so awesome. When you can combine fun and a really great cause you know you are doing some good in the world.
Happy Early Book Birthday!!!
I like the pickle picture because it has a nice odd quality to it, but the mad scientist looks even better. I was unaware they could have such sincere eyes. :P
Thanks for the chance to win BTIB! EXCITING!
Also, the verification word is 'vanshies,' which makes me think of banshees, but with vans...
as in. *starts counting*
TEN HOURS (i'm in mountain time.)
i'm kinda hoping my copy comes today... *stares at mailbox* (i live in the country. our mail doesn't come until late afternoon. le sigh.)
congrats, Carrie! I can't wait to read it. :)
I think I should receive an arc because for some reason I can't see the mad scientist pic.
And I wants it.
But if not then I will be buying it tomorrow because who doesn't love zombies?? Hello??? Yeahhhhh for you!!!!!
AHH! I've been wanting BTIB foreverrrrrrrrrr!!! And even if I don't win, it comes out tomorrow! I would LOVE to win! thanks so much!!
Bad taste in boys comes out tomorrow! And as of RIGHT NOW as I am typing this I have never gotten an ARC (watch right after I'm done I'll end up wining one or something bizzar like that XD)
Bad taste in boys is sooooo on my TBR list right in the book one or standalone folder I can't remeber or if the email adress matters for this >>
Yes, I'm so excited for this book! I feel like I've been waiting forever.. But I'm sure it feels longer for you, Carrie!
Also, this post made my day :) funniest thing I've read all day haha
I WANT IT! I went t an author event in Austin, Texas "zombies vs. Unicorns" GO TEAM ZOMBIE!!!! I have a team zombie pin..... I once wore it pinned to my dress to church. I'm a little odd.
Oops! Forgot my email it's uncoolcarrot(at)ymail(dot)com
Thanks for commenting, everybody! The giveaway is closed, and Amanda J is the official winner! More giveaways and generalized awesomeness to come SOON.
Congrats on all the excitement coming your way! I'm so happy for you!
I didn't comment in time, but I just wanted to tell you CONGRATS!! So, so excited to read it. =)
Congrats, Amanda J! I'm jealous. ;)
Oh, and your welcome, Carrie... I'm looking forward to more "giveaways and generalized awesomeness"! ;D
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