Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So I feel a little lame throwing myself a finished my draft party followed by a birthday party, but I might as well embrace the lamocity. It's not like I can fight my natural tendencies, right? I want a party; my birthday is Sunday, so I'm throwing one. Right here. Right now.

*sound of crickets*

No no NO! This always happens to me. Like the time I planned this huge high school blowout graduation party at the lake, only the night before the party someone burnt down the porta potty, and then almost nobody came, possibly because they didn't want to pee in a slouchy, melted plastic potty. I'm not sure what the problem was. If they were truly my friends, they would have held it. For about five hours.

Come on, people! I'm turning 25, or at least that's what you get if you average my physical age with my mental age. And there are no slouchy potties anywhere at this party, unless you bring one yourself.

I've got a lot of things to celebrate, though. Honestly. There's the completion of the book draft, the fact that Delacorte hasn't realized that I'm a closet lunatic and hurriedly signed a restraining order, the birthday, and the fact that there were zombie penguins on Cartoon Network. I love zombie penguins. I have one sitting on my writing desk, looming down at me while I work. He's got one huge eye and one tiny eye. As of this moment, his name is Winky.

HE'S at my party. Don't you want to be? What party-rific news is out there? I know Lisa and Laura, Christine, and Corey are all celebrating book deals. Have you congratulated them yet? Lisa and Laura are even giving away a KINDLE, as if they could get any kewler.

I'm at the party. I am not deterred by a slouchy potty.


Aaron Polson said...

Is that the sound of cats being tortured?

No. It's me singing happy birthday. Have a nice one.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I still have dibs on the hard liquor and Twister. Have a great birthday (and how did I miss zombie penguins on CN?)

CKHB said...

(Hurriedly grabbing one of my "emergency back-up" presents out of the pantry...)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yes, this is for you... yes, I probably shouldn't have, in fact, I'm not quite sure what I'm handing you, it was pre-wrapped and I didn't get a good look at the post-it label I'd stuck to the front... ooh, it's one of those sachet eye-pillow thingies! You lucked out, there's some weird stuff back there. Anyway, happy birthday, and... should I be scared of the zombie penguin or not?

Candice said...

Happy celebrating. I hope you have a wonderful twenty-fifth birthday. :) I don't have birthdays anymore, only anniversaries of my twenty ninth birthday. Twenty-nine and I have been together longer than most marriages.

Christine Fonseca said...

Happy B-day Carrie - and thanks for the awesome shout out!!!

Valerie Kemp said...

Happy (early) Birthday! I know I always enjoy turning 25. It never gets old.

May the next year build on this year's success and turn into something ginormous!

storyqueen said...

Carrie, is your birthday really Sunday?? So is my daughter's! November 8 is a spectacular day to be born. (Please tell me you're not really only 25.....then you could BE my daughter....sigh)

Have a great day!!!


P.S. my virtual gift to you: I'm watching your kids (actually having my kids watch your kids) and so you can go out and have a nice dinner. And then when you open your present....wait for's his and her lightsabers!!!

MeganRebekah said...

Too funny! My best friend's birthday is on Sunday and mine is next week, and we've both decided that we're just turning 25 again. It makes it much less sad!

Happy 25th Birthday!

Sara Raasch said...

Eh, potties are overrated. Let the celebrating begin!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday!
(Haha! My word verification is enisent.)

K.C. Shaw said...

Happy birthday! I will totally be at your birthday party, at least mentally. Also I will mentally send you a birthday present. It's a pony! A mental pony.

Anonymous said...

Yay, finished draft! Yay, birthday! Yay, Google Alerts lied and you're not dead!


Unknown said...

I love your party! Happy Birthday :D)

Keri Mikulski said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) :) :)

Natalie Whipple said...

I'm SO at this party! Yay! All this good news going around makes me want to dance, even if I'm really bad at it.

L. T. Host said...

Happy birthday! And congrats to everyone with good news!

Donna Gambale said...

Happy birthday! I'll bring Taboo and Apples to Apples to the party.

SlayerOfBees said...

StoryQueen/Shelley - funny you should mention the his and hers lightsabers - that's exactly what the Batson and his girlfriend got each other for their birthdays last year! I'm all for those for Carrie and I - as long as they're functional. Didja know that the military is giving plasma knives to some of the combat medics? We are 1 step closer to making this a reality...

And to you Carrie - I'll wish you happy birthday in person on Sunday. I should make you open all the gifts in front of my parents so I can watch you blush :)

(I first had a typo - so I can watch you bluish - thankfully that won't be the case as the heat is on at home. :) )

Cate Gardner said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. I'm going to bring some zombie muscians to the party, though I suggest we keep them away from the finger food.

Stephanie McGee said...

Happy birthday!

Katie Anderson said...

Yay! Go Carrie, Go!

lisa and laura said...

Happy Birthday!!!

My virtual present: Richard Simmons jumping out of a spectacularly huge cake in his American flag unitard. Get excited.

Corey Schwartz said...

Happy birthday. I didn't know we were the same age! :)

Anonymous said...

*blows birthday whistle which unrolls and rolls back up*
Happy Birthday Carrie!
All the best,

Hayley Lovell said...

Happy Birthday!

Davin Malasarn said...

Count me in, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll hold it for as long as it takes!

Andrea Cremer said...

Happy Birthday, Carrie!

I'm going to steal that physical age + mental age thing - brilliant.

Laura said...

She's a my birthday too!

No, seriously. Nov. 6, 1972, around 10 p.m.


So. Happy Birthday to US!

Fox Lee said...


Lorna said...

Going right out to buy 25 candles and lighting them all for you.... No, really! Here's to 25 (ahhh, the good old days).

Kelly Polark said...

Party on!
I'll just pee on the zombie penguins.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Happy birthday!

Don't mind me...I'll just be on the table dancing with the zombie penguins. Wouldn't be the first time :)

Larissa said...

Yay, Carrie! My birthday is today! I turned 32, which was super fun for the Mother's Morning Out class that I teach, since they are usually either turning 2 OR 3, and I got to have BOTH numbers on my birthday crown. (Yes, they made me a birthday crown. With glitter and everything).

So, Happy Birthday to me, and Happy Birthday to you. May someone make you a glitter crown as glorious as mine was.

K. M. Walton said...

Happy birthday, oh one-who-shares-my exact-birthday-person!!

For my birthday, I want to be rightfully added to your Semi-Secret order list. I'm a simple person.

Happy bday!!!!!!!!

~Jamie said...

oh Happy day!!!

Christina Farley said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!! Sending you a big zoombie cake your way with big chunks of chocolate in there.

What was done said...

Happy birthday!
25 is a great age.
Take a look here:

Carolyn V. said...

Zoombie penguins! Serious?! Sweet!

Happy B-day!

PJ Hoover said...

Happy (late) birthday! Whoo hoo!

Mary Witzl said...

Happy birthday to you, Carrie. And a melted potty would never keep me away, as long as there were trees nearby.

Nadine said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a fabulous day!!