Friday, November 13, 2009

I Laugh at Your Meanieheadedness, Universe!

The Universe is being a meaniehead, and I don't like it.

Yesterday, Slayer's car died, and this is not the kind of death in which the car eventually gets resurrected and performs the Thriller dance. That baby is D-E-D, dead. Of course, The Universe had to make this happen during the two month span that includes the Batson's birthday, my birthday, the twins' birthday, and Christmas. It HAD to wait until it was too cold to walk somewhere for my Friday morning tradition with the kids. It's going to take some creativity on my part to make Fun Friday fun this week.

So I got a little huffy about the whole situation, that is until I remembered to thumb my nose and laugh. I can laugh about nearly anything. In high school, I once served on the school planning committee with a bunch of teachers and principals and members of the school board. We spent three days locked up in a conference room, brainstorming and discussing and eating stale pastries. Somewhere around the middle of day two, our butts were seriously dragging, and I really wanted to fall asleep as the individual groups shared their "I believe" statements. Who comes up with that stuff? Do they honestly expect people to stay awake after an endless repetition of "I believe that all kids should get a good education." Because I believe that, but that doesn't mean that I want to hear seven hundred variations of that statement over the spanse of an hour.

Anyway, it got to my turn, and I stood up and said, "I believe that Elvis is alive and working at Super K."

If I can laugh at committees (and successfully crack Elvis jokes), I can totally laugh at you, Universe. So PBBT!


Nicole said...

I laugh along with you at the meanieheadedness of the universe.

*sniffs* But your car dying is really sad. I offer my condolences. How is your zombie penguin taking this? Are you going to have a memorial service? Can I come?

I'll do the thriller dance at the end of the ceremony!

Sara Raasch said...

I totally feel your car pain. Every time I get in my car, I do a little prayer to the car gods to let it all stay in one piece, just for today. It's like playing car roulette.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Buying a new car stinks, even if it is used car that is only new to you. Sorry it had to leave the world that way and not in a fiery crash in a parking lot when an explosive laden shopping cart bumped into the door. At least that would have been a good death for a car.

Of course the car would have been empty at the time, I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

Aaron Polson said...

(bites thumb at Universe)

so there!

(and yes, I did bite my thumb at the Universe)

Carolyn V. said...

Take that Universe! Hee hee. I thought that guy looked a little like Elvis. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie :)
Thanks for sharing.
No (working) vehicle sucks.
I love that you can keep your sense of humor!
Love & Best Wishes,

Mariah Irvin said...

My dad once resurrected his car by staring at it menacingly. Have you tried that yet?

Davin Malasarn said...

It's awesome that you can laugh at this. Hope it works out with the car soon!

Natalie Whipple said...

Weirdly enough, I kinda needed this post today. Thanks, my sparkly friend.

K.C. Shaw said...

You and your kids could make the dead car into a fort and have a picnic inside it. Or the kids could design a tombstone for the car, or at least an appropriate epitaph. Or if you're going to just junk the car and not trade it in somewhere, you could bust out the paints....

That's seriously cruddy about the car going queep right now. I hope it works out okay.

CKHB said...

I'm not quite laughing at the mean universe, I'm sort of flipping it the bird right now... I am clearly not yet at a sufficiently enlightened plane of being.

Elana Johnson said...

I so hear you!! What's with the universe combining against us at this time of year? Cars, crowns, the list goes on and on. And on.

Laugh away, girl. Laugh away.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

oh girl. Laugh away. the universe can be so hilariously mean.

I'm laughing with you. But...let's not goad the universe on too much.

Fox Lee said...

Stale pasteries are unforgivable : P You should have used them for a saucy puppet show.

Anonymous said...

I made my mom laugh on our way to the cemetery to bury her father.

And yes, eff the universe.

Hayley Lovell said...

I don't think I've ever been happier not to have a car. They scare me, and if it ever broke down I would not be handling it with the calm you are. Bravo.

I'm sorry it died on you, it's always sad to loose a car. But I'm sure you're kids will appreciate whatever fun friday you devise for them. Good luck with the car trouble, I'm so sorry it broke.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

girl - i wish I could have heard you say that and seen the confusion on faces :)

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Ok it doesn't rate at the car dying level but yesterday - Friday the 13th - I stepped in a big old pile of dog turd and had to throw away my absolute favorite pair of sneakers.

I didn't laugh. It was too stinky to laugh. But if I could find the dog owner who didn't pick up after their dog and sling my dirty dog poo covered sneaker at them, I bet I could laugh a whole lot!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

But sorry about your car. I'm feeling stressed about our 2 cause they are both coming up on the 10 year mark.

Anonymous said...
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sruble said...

Sending good vibes out to the universe for you!!!

And Elvis is so totally working at Super K. Doesn't everyone know that?

Zombie Hugs!

(Not exactly sure what a zombie hug would entail, but it cracked me up and I thought it might make you laugh too.)

Nishant said...

it all stay in one piece, just for today. It's like playing car roulette. Work from home India