He IS my official spokesperson, you know. So, without further ado, let me turn it over to him!

Um. Sure. Your shorts are nice. But I don't think they want to talk about your shorts. I think they want to hear the announcement.

NOT THAT ANNOUNCEMENT! The one about BAD TASTE IN BOYS being released on July 12, 2011! The one where they're supposed to mark their calendars because my book will be out in the wild!

Ahem. Thus endeth the official announcement.
I'm beginning to think I need a new official spokesperson.
I'm going to have nightmares about the veggie picture. Just thought you should know...
Congrats on the release date!
Perhaps a zombie version of Richard Simmons would be more appropriate, but that's too scary to contemplate. Well, not quite as scary at the vegetable photo.
I have an announcement to make today as well...not nearly as awesome as yours, though. I am thinking of having my spokesperson be The Ghost of Emily Dickinson.
(note...when writing this, it was intended as a joke. Now, though, I am seriously considering it...)
How awesome. Congratulations!
I have one bookcase that has special books. Books that friends have written and others that have been autographed. If you would sign mine I will start a new shelf of autographed books by friends. :)
Date marked!!!
Now, onto the eyeball washing.
Mr. Simmons, I think you need to lay off of the sugar.
OMG OMG OMG I am marking my calender RIGHT NOW. *scribbles*
Now, when do we get to see the COVER and your WEBSITE?
Date marked!
Hmmm, I think I need a spokesperson... Let's see now...
Thanks, everybody. Have some Windex.
Barry, I think the Ghost is a terrific Idea. It gives you a good Excuse to randomly Capitalize things.
Jamie, you're on.
And the cover is official, Mireyah, just waiting for a clean graphic so I can show you both the cover AND the website! Yay!
That's terrific news! Congrats!
Lol photos!
Congrats, Carrie!!
I may not be able to eat lettuce for a few months but I am extremely happy for you.
Wooo!! Congratulations! :)
That sucks. I have to wait a whole year?! ;)
I'm not sure if I ever told you this...
I met Richard Simmons once at a Wal-Mart. He was... shiny. And excited. That is all.
Yes, it's a year of waiting. But at the end, you will be rewarded with a hot guy, a geeky brother with a pseudo sword, and lots of ZOMBIE MAYHEM.
Bryan, I am SO JEALOUS.
Ha ha ha! Oh, my eyes...my eyes!!
Congratulations, Carrie! That's awesome news!!!! :-)
Marked on my calendar. I'm expecting Richard Simmons to pop out of my computer screen on THE day.
OMG! That was a freakin' funny post!!! Congrats on your release date--I can't wait to read. Yay!
Whoa. Where in the world did you find the veggie covered Simmons?!
Congrats on the release date! Let the countdown begin!
Damn, I don't want to wait that long. But congrats nonetheless : )
SWEET!!! I can't wait!!! =D
How many times have you posted that veggie pic now?
Congrats on the fun news!
Squeeeee! Can't wait for next July! When I look for it in the bookstore, I'll know it's your book because Richard Simmons is on the cover, right? ;)
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