My kid won his first championship.
He played like a champ despite the 90 degree weather and even scored a couple of goals. But the thing I'm most proud of is that everyone was commenting on his sportsmanship, because he's always cheering on his teammates, and he listens so hard when his coach talks that I think he might crawl down Coach's throat. I'm so ridiculously, crazily proud of him.
So today, I'd like to give out some awards on the Batson's behalf. Because there are a lot of awesome things I'd like to celebrate. Without further ado, I give you the Awesome Like the Batson Awards!
First, I'd like to celebrate all of YOU. Because this little blog has just passed the 50,000 visitors mark! Of course, about 10,000 of you are here because you're looking for pictures of Katie Couric, but you still showed. So without further ado, I'd like to give you the Whatever the Reason, I'm Glad You're Here award.

Have you met Lenny? He may be an almost teen (I've got that right, don't I, dude?), but I'm entirely sure that he's wiser than I am. He's also an aspiring writer, so stop by and give him some encouragement. Lenny loves raccoons, so I'm giving him the Samurai Raccoon Blogger of Awesomeness award.

And last but not least, I'd like to give an award to the zombie purse I found the other day. That's right, the Super-Subtle Things to Get Me For My Birthday award goes to THIS.

More awards to come later. Right now, I desperately need to purchase groceries or learn how to summon food with my mind.
Congrats to the kiddo! That's awesome.
Hey, if you ever learn how to summon food with your mind, will you teach me? Thanks.
COngrats to your son. That is seriously awesome.
Whoo! Congrats to your son and Katie! =) That is so cool that he won his first championship! Super cool!
Congrats to your boy! Good sportsmanship is something that more kids need to get a grasp of... my kids included. Nice job raising a kind, respectful kid. =)
(Also, I thought it might be funny to note that my 20 month old was sitting here as I read this post, saw the attractive picture of Katie Couric, and said "It's Mama!"
Congrats to your son on his championship--and to you for raising a kind and respectful son. Also, I love this blog and I may come at times for Richard Simmons but I never come for Katie Couric. :)
We're both very proud of The BatSon!
I asked him who he thought did the best this weekend and he replied without hesitation, "My team."
On top of all of the other incredible things Carrie does - she is a super parent and gets most of the credit as I am not home as much as any of us would like (at least as much as I would like - Carrie may disagree and like having me out of the house.)
hi miss carrie! wow your sons team got to be champions! yay! how cool is that! hes gotta be a really good player. i didnt play soccer but i did baseball. i was crummy at it but being on a for real team was lots of fun. im 10 and gonna be 11 in october. i LOVE that samuri raccoon! it got me laughing soooo hard i could fall over. im putting it on my blog for sure. thanks a zillion for giving me that cool award.
...big hugs from lenny
Oooh, learn how to summon food with your mind! That's my vote.
And congrats to Batson.
Aww congrats! And yay for Lenny! Hes the coolest:)
Wait, you mean this ISN't the website for Katie Couric?
Finally a pic of Katie!
Congrats to your son. Soccer rules!
I just summoned some rocking popcorn with my mind...okay, technically, it was my mind telling my butt to get up and feed my stomach which was complaining, but really does that count? Congrats to your son! That must have been an incredible experience for him!
Thanks, everybody!
So glad you liked your raccoon, Lenny.
And Slayer? You = awesome.
The randomness of your blog makes me happy!
Congrats to the kiddo! Super exciting!!!
PS - I have given a new twist to the fairy tale Beauty & the Beast over at my blog! Feel free to check out the horror!!
1. Congratulations to the Batson. (The dyslexic part of me always reads it first as Baston...and with a French accent.)
2. The picture of Katie Couric is going to give me nightmares.
3. The Raccoon is awesome!!
I'm proud of your son too. It also speaks to his upbringing which makes me proud of your Mom abilities.
Great pictures and congratulations to all the winners.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
I want that purse. So I guess I won't be getting it for you for your birthday but thanks for letting me know where to get it.
Aww! Way to go Batson and team! Oooo, please teach me the food summoning with mind thingy! :)
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