Which one do you find funnier? Today, we're talking about mashup creatures. As you know, I love making mashups. The Tooth Fairy is funny. Posh Spice is funny. Toothy Spice is HILARIOUS. So here are two mashups that I find particularly amusing.
CREATURE 1: Frankenthulhu
Here's how I look at it--Dr. Frankenstein was a real dillweed. You can bet if he saw a grave that said, "Here, Great Cthulhu lies dreaming. DO NOT DISTURB UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE A MIDNIGHT SNACK," he'd dig up that grave and take Cthulhu's head. And then you'd end up with this:

CREATURE 2: Merpire
Why are merpires funny?
- They smell like fish sticks.
- When you're sleeping, they drag their baby pools into your room and slosh around.
- A hot date to a merpire = wrapping you up in saran wrap and sloshing around in the baby pool TOGETHER.
- Instead of sparkling, they glow in the dark.
- Two words: merpire beefcake.
So, which one do you think is more amusing?
hi miss carrie! for me its the
frankenthulhu. i like stuff that squeeks when you squeeze it. ha ha.
...laughs from lenny
i gotta vote for the merpire because the thought of it dragging its baby pool into my room at night is not creepy but silly.
and plus, i like a guy who's not self-conscious about his stench.
I'm going with Merpire (beefcake). Fish sticks and baby pools.
And I love that drawing, lol!
I find the Merpie cuter, but the frankenstein thingy is more timely with Halloween coming up!
Merpire--how can you not go with something involving saran wrap? :)
LOL, gotta go with the classics, Frankenthulhu!
lol gotta go with Merpire. Love the drawing!
Merpis all the way!
Merpire... I think the other picture freaked me out a little too much but the Merpire... is kind of hot.
Just sayin, I mean hanging out of that baby pool. What's hotter than that? AND Glow in the dark, I mean seriously did you even need to ask us?
Gotta go with the merpire and the saran wrap. At least he knows better than to bite down on aluminum foil. Plus, he would make a great nightlight.
Merpire, Merpire, Merpire!!!
Am I weird for thinking the Frankenwhatever is kind of cute....like a bunny or something?
I never was much of a fan of Frankie so merpie it is.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Frankenthulhu wins my vote! How can you resist that cute face AND he squeaks! :)
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