So, without further ado, I bring you the Funniest Creature Championships. Over the next month, YOU are going to choose the snarfiest creature out there from a list of eight highly qualified finalists. I even have a highly scientific Excel spreadsheet.

Here's how it works. I'll give you two creatures and a brief rundown on why I find them hilarious. You vote in the comments. The one that gets the most votes moves on to the next bracket. Awe-inspiring science, isn't it?
First, we've got the vampire bracket. I think you all know what's coming.
CREATURE 1: The Cullens
Funny for one very simple reason--their powers are super strength, super speed, and pretty sparkles. They inspire cartoons like THIS.

In short, any creature that makes me want to prance around the room going "Sparkle sparkle sparkle!!!" and doing jazz hands is FUNNY. And the Cullens make me want to do that.
CREATURE 2: The Roller Skating Vampire
Imagine this: you've just learned that bloodsuckers are invading your town. You are an idiot and decide to walk around at night anyway, just for kicks. And then...gasp! You see a vampire in a darkened alley! It roller skates right toward you with its claws outstretched, and it's a cross dresser, and--
Wait a minute. Roller skates? Cross dresser?

The movie is Fright Night 2, which is one of the best films EVER. And when I say that, I really mean that it's so horrible that it's magnificent.
So. Which do you find funnier? The Cullens or the rollerskating vampire? I HAZ 2 KNO. And make sure to tune in again tomorrow to see the mutant pictures I've found of my favorite celebrities. Too freaking funny.
Definitely the cross-dressing roller skater! That's just too funny!
Cullens all the way.
I don't think I've ever seen Fright Night 2. So I'm going with the Cullens.
I'm for the Cullens... but I think it's the picture that has me with that option. I mean his sparkles just draw me to him... not to mention her heart shaped eyes and the picture of his shirt (with a label) has me falling over laughing!!!
If I saw the cross dresser, roller skating vampire I just might call the guys in white coats. "They're coming to take me away, haha." I've never seen the movie, but I have to go with the roller skating vampire because the concept is ridiculous and you did say funny.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Roller-skating vampire!!
This is hard!!! Have to say roller-skating vampire...because it's funny and I actually feel a little sorry for the Cullens.
Lol, cullens all the way! Sparkly vamps? HILARIOUS!
the cartoon sold me. i'm voting for the cullens.
Both literally made me LOL, so it's a tough choice. I think I'll vote for sparkly jazz hands (Cullens).
Roller skating vampires. I'm still laughing ;)
hi miss carrie! wow this is really hard to choose cause both of them got me laughing soooo hard. so i had to say which one got me laughing the most and it was that sparkly vampire. i got laughing at those heart eyes so much. if i got to be a vampire i want to be a sparkly one. besides i cant roller skate so good.
...laughs and hugs from lenny
Roller skatin' vamps that cross dress?!? I'm all over that one.
Roller Skating Vampire ALL THE WAY!
Drag on Skates for me LOL!
Wow. I'm going to have to go with the sparkly side (Cullens) even though cross dressing roller vampires are pretty funny too.
Definately the Cullens.
Haha. Now I need to go watch Fright Night 2. But my vote is with the Cullens. :)
Roller skate vamp. I also need to go watch Friday Night 2.
For sure the Cullens... Such a silly thing, vampires...
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