So please. Whatever you do, don't wear these things. If you do, please don't tell anyone we know each other.
1. Nudist Vampire
Tip from Carrie: A cape alone does not a vampire make.
You think this is bad? You should see him when he swoops down from above.
2. Baby Man
I don't even know what this is! I mean, I know it's a guy wearing a bunch of naked baby dolls, but... but...

3. Tigger Spiderman
And here's the picture that inspired this post. Last night, Slayer showed me this photo, and I laughed so hard I nearly ruptured something. I can't decide which amuses me more, the costume, his expression, or the fact that he's standing in front of a Spy Kids poster.

I'll probably post more later. But I've got to stop before I sprain something.
These are hilarious!
And I hope none of them stop by my house for trick or treating!
Oh boy. Completely disturbing. :D
ha ha ha ha ha ha those are soooo funny. for sure im using any of those ideas for my halloween costume cause i could scare my own self! yikes! eeeek!
...laughs and hugs from lenny
Now that's scary!
Oh my! The spider man speedos are too much =) Or too little. Depends how you look at it.
I hate it when my family escapes out of the basement.
Note to self: Buy stronger locks.
I was holding my compusure until you said "Growl, baby. Totally Growl." I swear I lost it... completely lost it.
I would ask where you got all this, but the internet is a very disturbing place. Who the hell would put naked baby dolls on their body?
At least the Nudist Vampire has a point, he thinks he's sexy and is sporting a cape because he thinks he can fly (clearly dillusional) but the naked baby guy? Yeah, I just voted him of the island.
Wow...scary people out there. Wonder what dear old Simmons will be wearing this year? Maybe he'll wear a Carrot Top rubber suit...
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Thanks for the laugh. Though it wasn't as bad as that Tigger Spiderman costume, I once went as Wonder Woman for Halloween, and my costume consisted of wearing Underoos on the outside of my clothing. Seriously, parents? You thought that was an acceptable costume?
You guys are awesome.
Oh, and Alissa? I was totally broken up when my parents wouldn't let me wear my underoos as a costume. If only we'd thought of putting my clothes UNDER them.
Now all I need is a time machine...
O-M-G!!! Thank goodness I didn't just eat something!!! Ewwwwwww! :-)
"I was totally broken up when my parents wouldn't let me wear my underoos as a costume. If only we'd thought of putting my clothes UNDER them.
Now all I need is a time machine..."
Or adult sized underoos. Just sayin'....
Also, the nasty vampire reminded me of creepy santas.
Baby Man!! Omigosh...I am still laughing....OuT LOUD! And my family wants to know why and I don't want to show them because one of them will want to be it for halloween!!
Tigger Spidey=wrong.
Trying to think of a legitimate reason for a grown man to own a Tigger hoody or a Spy Kids poster.
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