Monday, June 1, 2009

Things That Make Me Snarf - Sweating with the Ninja

This week's Thing That Makes Me Snarf is extra special, or at least I think it is and expect you to humor me. It's a movie made by... well, me. And it's called Sweating with the Ninja.

And about Keith, who sent a link to the Xtranormal site to me? Well, he's made of awesome. He's also the newest member of the Semi-Secret Order of the Blog Ninja.

Or should that be the Sweaty Semi-Secret Order?


Ray Veen said...

That was incredible, Carrie. It seems you've finally found a creative medium worthy of your awe-inspiring wit.

And now that you're doing screenplays, will you still be writing novels?

Natalie Whipple said...


Anonymous said...

pretty pretty please make more vid- day - o's.

Cate Gardner said...

How bizarre, I was only thinking about how when everyone made these videos at the end of last year and then you post one. Weird.

Mariah Irvin said...

I could definitely tell it was your video when it got to the "sparkles on top" part.

Adrienne said...

That looks like too much fun.

Vikki said...

OMG, that was all kinds of awesome! I have to go watch it again...

K. M. Walton said...

Way awesome. Way. I can soooo tell that you wrote the dialogue, because it's funny and crafty.

K.C. Shaw said...

I had to wait until I got home from work to watch, and it was WORTH THE WAIT! I hope you do more of them.

Tiny T said...

Lots of sparkles on top :)