"Sometimes you can learn more about a person by what they don’t tell you. Sometimes you can learn a lot from the things they just make up. If you are tagged with this Meme, lie to me. Then tag 7 other folks (one for each deadly sin) and hope they can lie."
Keri Mikulski singled me out for a tag on this one, which either means that she thinks I will come up with something funny (no pressure or anything) or she thinks I lie all the time (but really! I DO think Richard Simmons is hilarious!).
Anyway, here are my answers...
Pride: What is your biggest contribution to the world?
Richard Simmons. Actually, what you all don't know is that I'm his mom. I came here via time machine (actually, before that, I came here via spaceship, but that's a different story altogether). Anyway, he's my son.
Explains a lot, don't it?
Envy: What do your coworkers wish they had which is yours?
What DON'T they want? I mean, I'm perfect and all. Who wouldn't want my ability to put both legs behind my head and entertain at parties? Who wouldn't want to know all the moves to the Thriller dance? (Performed it this weekend at a wedding, although I had to skip a few moves because the room kept moving. I don't drink very often, so when I do, it's a short bus ride to happy town.) Who wouldn't want to be Richard Simmons' secret mom!?!?
Gluttony: What did you eat last night?
I caught a few zombies wandering in my backyard last night and barbecued them. There's nothing like a BBZ sandwich. Or twenty.
Lust: What really lights your fire?
I'm really into Richard Simmons.
Anger: What is the last thing that really pissed you off?
Everything pisses me off. I'm really an angry person. In fact, answering these questions is making me hulk out. AHDTR^AW#Y^S$% &AS#$WERA@#%HA@%tnawna&#$h^aa
Ahem. Sorry. Better.
Greed: Name something you keep from others.
When I meet them, I make them guess my name. If they do it, I agree to spin a bunch of straw into gold and then laugh at them if they believe me. If they don't guess it, I make them refer to me as Hew Royal Awesomeness.
Sloth: What's the laziest thing you've ever done?
I'm lazy all the time. Actually, I make all three of my kids do all the work around here while I lie around and eat bonbons.
Mmmmm. Bonbons.
I tag Jamie, Kiersten, Mercedes, Natalie, Natalie (No, they're not clones.), Sherrie, and Tiny T. If you hate me for tagging you, just pretend you didn't see this. I won't tell.
Hilarious! Love it!!! I knew it would be good!! :)
Happy Friday!! :)
very funny, Carrie. I always wondered who spawned Richard Simmons.
you always make me laugh, except when you don't. then I snicker.
tee hee~
Hey, how do you know were not clones? Hmm? HMM?
You're gonna have to tell that spaceship story sometime.
I knew this would be funny - best parts: BBZ and hulk out! LOL!
I hate you for tagging me.
Actually, thanks, made for an easy post...
Also, the fact that you are Richard's mother AND lust after him is even ookier than, well, Richard himself.
LOL! Fabulous meme.
You were the perfect person to tag. BBZ and bonbons. Delicious!
My answers will never be as funny as yours!
And yeah, how does that work if you're the mother of Richard Simmons and you lust after him...while you lay on the sofa and eat bon bons as he cleans? Oh, now I'm laughing again!
anger! yup you always just comes across as such an angry and rage filled person. full of ADFADF23.
*note: this message may contain sarcasm. user should beware, and should tread with care.
I love your answers! BBZ! I mean, how awesome is that?
So funny. Richard Simmons is totally hot.
Of course we're not clones. I was invented by DJ Ozma to spread his message of love.
Carrie, Carrie, Carrie.
You're not being precise again. For Lust, it's not just Richard Simmons.
It's Richards Simmons in the biker outfit from the Village People, singing and dancing to YMCA.
Come on, if your going 'open' in your blog you have to go all the way.
BBZ... Mmmmmmm....
Give me a call next time you're grilling.
Unbelievable. LOL... You worked zombies into your answer! BBZ...
You are really good at cursing symbols. I think I understood the whole thing.
Next time you're spinning straw into gold take some pictures - I've always wanted to know how to do that.
You so funny.
Thanks for the tag! I am so ready to lie my head off in my post tomorrow...and I'll send all of the blame your way. ;)
That's a nasty chain reaction you set off on the web, Carrie. Cyberspace is now full of lies!
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