Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lolzombie of the Day - Fame

I want to live forever!

Um, actually, I don't. But it seemed like a good introduction to this lolzombie.

I only seems natural to me. If zombies can do Thriller, they should populate every dance movie for the rest of time. I'll admit it: I loves me some dance movies. But the plots are always disposable. I just want to see the swank dance numbers. The natural solution? Zombies. They can get their swerve on with the best of them.

This is why I should be a politician. I'm all about thinking outside the box to solve the world's problems.


Keri Mikulski said...

Love it. :)

storyqueen said...

I would soooo watch Zombie Fame (And I am neither a huge zombie nor Fame fan...) does that make me weird?

Get your lurch on!


Jamie Eyberg said...

I would see that in the theaters.

Aaron Polson said...

You should also be a politician because of how utterly PC your ideas are. Really--who could be offended by dancing zombies? Plus, you're putting them to work in socially acceptable ways.

Angela said...

Yes, you should!

Kelly Polark said...

Dirty Zombie Dancing should be next. They are already dirty!
And nobody puts zombie in the corner!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

If only more people could think outside the box like that! :-)

Carolyn V. said...

They could do some wicked tangos! Those awesome zombies.

Elana Johnson said...

ROTFL!! I'm never going to think of that song the same.

ali cross said...

ROFL! That last line cracked me up ;)

And hey, I love the dance movies too. Could care less about the story/plot ~ just make sure there's lots of dancing!

K.C. Shaw said...

I would totally watch a zombie dance movie.

So, have you ever thought about expanding your writerly repertoire into screeplays?

Brigitte said...

I miss being a zombie. <:

If you were a politician...
I can only imagine what would change!

Anonymous said...

Zombie Footloose?

Though they're already (un)dead, so I don't think one of them would care enough to drive its tractor into a ditch during the big (lame) game of chicken.

And zombies generally aren't spry enough to pull off Bacon's acrobatic "I'm so angsty, I just gotta' DANCE!" routine in the barn.

The big goofy dance at the end would still be about as entertaining, especially seeing zombies in those outfits.

Apparently I have seen way too much friggin' Footloose.

Anonymous said...

Zombie Unions would be kind've scary and unpredictable.

Monster of Books said...

Hahaha that so funny!!!

Candice said...

I just saw the new fame on my airplane ride home from Christmas. I like the Zombie version better!