Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reading and Writing, But No 'Rithmetic

I've been reading up a storm this month. So far, I've read the Cybils YA finalists:

That gives me a pretty good start on PJ Hoover's Read A Bunch of Books Challenge. Last year, it was the Read 50 Books Challenge. This year, she's doing 75. And PJ is so kewl, that I have to automatically do what she does, so I'll read 75 too. Hee.

Anyway, I'm not posting any reviews for these books just yet, because all of us Cybils judges are sworn to secrecy. I was hoping for a sekrit handshake too, but that hasn't happened yet. I may have to make up a sekrit handshake with myself, which is pretty pitiful. But as I've said repeatedly, I have no shame.

But enough about me. What are YOU reading? And is it snarfy? I need to populate the rest of my reading list!


Kelly Polark said...

I'm reading The Lightning Thief (excellent) and The Case of the Case of the Mistaken Identity by Mac Barnett (just started). Will be seeing The Lightning Thief in theaters next month!
(I won't even be reading 50 books, let alone 75! My goal is 25! I'll read 50 of your haiku reviews instead!)

MeganRebekah said...

Kelly, I just finished The Lightning Thief two days ago! :)

And last week I read Cracked Up To Be, which I loved.

I've also started Fight Club and Some Mad Hope (by fellow blogger Heidi Willis).

Jamie Eyberg said...

I am reading one of the most messed up pieces of bizzaro fiction ever. Sideshow P.I.-the Devil's Garden by Nathaniel Lambert and Kevin Sweeney. It is awesome but definitely not YA.

storyqueen said...

I just read Lament by Maggie Steifvater. Pretty kewl, to use your word.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading The Long Walk by Stephen King. It's snarfy if you're into dead kids.

Also, I'm reading some Hemingway short stories nightly. Kind've alcoholic YA, if you have to put a label on it.

Keri Mikulski said...

Go Carrie! Go Carrie! ;)


PJ Hoover said...

You sure have a way to make me smile, Carrie. Whether it's the spelling of kewl or the phrasing of the challenge, it definitely put a smile on my face

btw, I loved Blue Plate Special, and I'm very interested in reading the Robot one.

Unknown said...

Recently got done reading Dead Men's Boots by Mike Carey (if you like Neil Gaiman or mysteries I recommend that series) and I'm about halfway through Getting Things Done by David Allen (time/project management). My goal for this year is to alternate fiction and non-fiction.

Andrea Cremer said...

I'm reading Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan

Larissa said...

I'm off to the library to pick up The Farwalker's Quest, since I just won a chance to read and pass along the ARC of Timekeeper's Moon (by Joni Sensel).

I have also started GONE by Michael Grant (which I am giving away on my blog), and I just finished SKIN HUNGER by Kathleen Duey (also giving away on my blog).


Elana Johnson said...

I need to read most of these. I'll check and see if my library has them.

I just got Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon, Paper Towns by John Green and a couple of Sara Zarr's books, including Sweethearts. Oh, and I have Soul Enchilada too, which seems like it would be up your alley. Maybe.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I'm reading THE TITAN"S CURSE (book 3 of the Percy jackson's) and working on reading CRY OF THE ICEMARK by Stuart Hill. I keep meaning to focus on Icemark, but Percy calls to me. I think I'll have to finish them and then attack Icemark. :-)

Mariah Irvin said...

I just read Graceling and Lips Touch. Behind the times, I know!

Whenever you write the word "sekrit" I keep thinking it says "Sanskrit". Both are kind of funny.

Cate Gardner said...

I 'heart' Wintergirls.

I'm stuck a third of the way through Cherie Priest's 'Boneshaker'.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I just got Hush, Hush in the mail today and I'm finishing Home of the Brave -- beautiful writing in that one.

I like the title of one that you read: Into the Wild Nerd Yonder. Sounds like something I could relate to :)

Jonathon Arntson said...

I hate you for being able to read so much.

Here's my 2010 lost so far:
Witch and Wizard
The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
The Vast Fields of Ordinary
Swim the Fly
(I am starting The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, today)

Carrie Harris said...

OoOoOh. Lots of new books for my reading list. Thanks, peeps.

Oh, and Jonathan? It's okay. I hate me too.

BK Mattingly said...

I am going to start Hawkes Harbor by S.E. Hinton this weekend :)

Carolyn V. said...

That is so many books! I'm working on reading that Stats book. It is not my fav.

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm reading a horrible stupid idiotic book about a genie (can't remember the name or the author) and also Scott Lynch's sublime Red Seas Under Red Skies. Next up: Tigerheart by Peter David. I'm really excited about that one.

I didn't quite make it to 50 books last year, but I'm determined to surpass it this year. Thus the reading-two-books-at-once trick.

Anonymous said...

Wow, really long day at work + reading too fast led to me wondering what the heck a Sanskrit hand shake is.

Which of course made me think of the guy from PCU who majored in "a 5,000 year old dead language." Anybody else? No? No, just me then.

MaryWitzl said...

Just finished 'Postcards from No Man's Land', which I was screening as a possible MG reading book. It was good, but DEFINITELY not MG.