Monday, January 25, 2010

Things That Make Me Snarf - World of Warcraft Intervention

Here's this week's Thing That Makes Me Snarf. It's rated PG-13, for those of you who sometimes watch with the kiddos.

People are always asking me how I find these videos. It's simple. Today, I searched for "zombie muppets" on YouTube, which lead me to a parody of the Star Wars theme song, which lead me to skit about a video game addicted Batman, which lead me to this. The moral?

Heck, I dunno. I should spend less time on YouTube?


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh -- my favorite line: "I thought you were an elf."

Thanks for starting out my Monday with a laugh!

CKHB said...

Have you seen the South Park WOW episode? GENIUS.

Andrea Cremer said...

I love this...and yes, I play WoW.

Mariah Irvin said...

Heehee. I love that it's backwards.

~Jamie said...


What's her Crit rating??


For The record, my crit rating is balls awesome. Just sayin'

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You are the QUEEN of YouTube!! :-)

Natalie Whipple said...

This kinda makes me want to play WoW again. I've been AFK for way too long.

Lorna said...

Virtual reality beats reality at so many levels sometimes....If loving chipwiches is wrong, I don't want to be right? Lol

Carolyn V. said...

"I thought you were an elf."


Kelly Polark said...

I have never played World of Warcraft...but still funny.

Anonymous said...

Funny, funny stuff.

Tiny T said...

"Wait, I'll teleport us to another major city... I must be out of mana"


Fox Lee said...

Why would anyone want to spend LESS time on youtube? ; )

wow strategy guide said...

thanks for fun vid it make me back to WOW after of couple weeks AFK. I inspired again for gold cap and to have 8 80's on single account. :P

Masonian said...

Yessss! that video has a 15% chance of casting awesomenova.

Your youtube addiction keeps us happy.