Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WTF Wednesday - Now with Less Sleep!

Brain not working today. Left spent four hours screaming last night for No. Reason. Whatsoever. None. Or rather, it was for every reason, like her leg hurt, and she wanted a hug, and her cheek hurt, and it was dark. Her poor sister and I are dragging today.

Drag. Ging.

Oh, and I should probably note for any of you new people that I call my twins Left and Right, because their initials are L and R and that's how we always arrange them in pictures to make sure we know who's who later. They're identical, and while we can tell them apart now, who knows what will happen after ten more years of "My cheek hurts!" at 3 AM.

Left also declared her career aspirations to us the other day. For the first time, we asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up. And she said, "I'm going to wear a bra to keep those things on my belly from bouncing all around." I figured maybe she needed a little clarification and asked what she'd do to make money.

She's going to pick apples. While wearing a bra.

Right is going to be a princess. The Batson is going to be a rockstar. We'll be awash in music, crowns, and apples.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I had this stage when I wanted to be the world's first female garbage collector. Yeah, I don't get it either.


Anonymous said...
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Shannon O'Donnell said...

OMG! I just totally busted a gut laughing in front of my composition students! I will NEVER think of bras without laughing again - that is too adorable! :-)

Does Right plan to wear a princess bra? He he he.

Jonathon Arntson said...

I love this! L and R, please tell me that's going into your writing...

Natalie Whipple said...

I, uh, wanted to be a writer. Go figure. But then I gave up that dream for something more practical in high school—a teacher. Then I got to college and realized I'd be a horrible teacher. And here I am.

And at least she wants to wear a bra! I'd be more worried if she wanted to run around without one...

Unknown said...

That's hilarious. My 2-yo has been identifying a new body part each night that hurts -- strangely, always at bedtime! Hope you catch up on your sleep. :)

I wanted to be an NFL quarterback when I grew up. Alas, being female, I settled for being the only girl allowed on the neighborhood team -- and yes, I was quarterback!

Valerie Kemp said...

LOL! I love the picking apples in a bra. Priceless. And the left and right thing is genius! A friend just had identical twin boys and I'll have to tell him about the photos idea.

The first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up was a magician, because, thanks to my family, I thought I had actual magic powers (but that's for another day) after that I wanted to write books. Go figure.

Tere Kirkland said...

I remember a day in pre-school when the teacher was asking us all what we wanted to be. All the other kids said fireman, doctor, ballerina. I said tiger.

Everyone after me wanted to be a bear, or a lion, or a giraffe. It was pretty funny how nobody else wanted to be a doctor after I said tiger.

L and R, that's priceless!

Carolyn V. said...

Hee hee. My five-year-old wants to be Spiderman when he grows up. I keep telling him, he might want something a little less dangerous. =)

So you will have a princess, a rockstar, and an apple picker? Whew! That will be one busy house!

Tiny T said...

Sleep deprivation = zombie mutation. Totally. Ask the ninjas.

I remember wanting to be a secret spy for the FBI and go undercover to catch bad guys. That is until my grandma told me I was too small. Then I wanted to be mounted police because horses are awesome and I could still catch bad guys and the horse made up for my small stature. :D

Kristi Faith said...

LOL I love it! My oldest daughter (10) informed me yesterday that she would like to start wearing a bra. *sigh* OMG

So, when I was little...I wanted to be a waitress. I thought they were the prettiest, most talented form of women in the world. LOL Unfortunately, when I became one, I realized it's not so sexy. :0)

Laurel Garver said...

LOL!!! What is it with little girls' obsession with bras? One of my 7-yo's church friends (who's 9) gave her a training bra and she now wears it constantly, even to sleep in.

I wanted to make magazines when I was a kid, or be an English teacher. Turns out, I was better suited for the former (no public speaking, yikes!).

Andrea Cremer said...

Love the career aspiration and wishing you a nice nap today.

Elana Johnson said...

I wanted to be an astronaut. Lame, I know. Then I went through this teacher thing, and I guess that stuck.

And Left and Right!! Hilarious!

Fox Lee said...

I wanted to be a rock star. Screw apples ; )

Cate Gardner said...

I wanted to be a vet. Sounds quite ordinary until you factor in that I screamed everytime the dog came near me.

Donna Gambale said...

Too cute --- well, cute in the opinion of someone who got a decent night's sleep! I wanted to be a writer at 6... I wasn't too creative, I guess, at least with picking possible careers!

Scillius Maximus said...


Then the 6 million dollar man came on the air and it was Astronaut all the way.

Mariah Irvin said...

I love Left!

I wanted to be a ballerina when I was little. This was most likely because my mom was a ballerina.

Jamie Eyberg said...
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Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that in years to come you'll be wondering was it my left, or the photographers left? And my daughter once yelled "look at all the colorful boobs!" while riding an escalator toward the bra display in a shopping mall

Tabitha Bird said...

LOL :)

I wanted to be a teacher and then an artist and then a teacher and then a circus performer. and then a script writer and then a poet and the a teacher and then... you get the idea. I became a teacher and I write. I knew a thing or two back then hey LOL!