Anyway, in honor of Paranormalcy, I'd like to invite you to a party. I've got a stellar lineup. And Kiersten, please pay close attention. You'll be accosted by these people on the street today. Please don't call the cops; I have to pay them extra if they get arrested. Okay?
David Hasselhoff will be bringing the balloons.

My ninja support squad will provide the music. So please don't be worried if you hear dueling electric guitars coming from thin air.

Princess Leia will do her dancing routine for us, and all the guys will gawp.

Then, Richard Simmons will leap out of the bushes and give us all heart attacks.

But seriously, people. Paranormalcy is a fabulous book, and I'm proud to call Kiersten my friend. I hope you'll pop on over and congratulate her today.
Happy Birthday Paranormalcy!! Woohoo!! I know several bloggers are very excited for this novel release!!! I'm one of them!!! How cool that you know her!! Wait a minute, that means I know her by association... I mean how cool is that???
Wait.That sounded crazy.You are still the only one I stalk ;)
Yay, Kiersten! I hope she enjoys all of her crazy surprises today! :)
Woot! Wishing Kiersten all the wonderful accolades today brings. (Hugs)Indigo
I just told Linda G I am off to buy this right now. Promise.
hi miss carrie! wow i could tell youre real excited for miss kiersten. im gonna go tell her yay for her book. im wondering if its for my age. im 10 and gonna be 11 in october.
...smiles from lenny
Exciting times! Buying the book today...
I think you might be the best party planner EVER!
I'm patiently waiting for the UPS man to deliver my copy as I type this!
Yay! Happy Birthday Paranormalcy. I know I can't wait to read this. Come on Amazon, send it my way...please. :)
Yayay! Good times! I'm literally heading to barnes and noble to pick it up as soon as it opens (which is in 10 minutes. wOOt!)
Yay for random acts of giftiness on Paranormalcy's birthday! Can't wait to get my copy so I can dig in and read. (Too bad I have to work in the middle of the day. I'll be totally distracted when at work.)
What a great friend you are to line up so much fun on Paranormalcy's Bday!
What an awesome birthday party! I think you should try and squeeze in the dog that says Batman in case things go array (when Richard Simmons jumps out) and you need a superhero there.
I've really been looking forward to Paranormalcy and can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
I have heard so many great things about that book! I can't wait to read it! =)
YAAAAAAAAAY! I love this party!
Hey! Thanks for coming to my party, people! Have some bacon. I serve bacon at all my parties. :)
Getting Paranormalcy is on my to-do list for this week... along with getting Blameless by Gail Carriger. Oh, I just hope I don't forget the other important items on that eating and breathing :D
Did he have to wear the sparkly "SWEAT" shirt? I wanted him to wear one that said "SWEET".
Still, The Hoff more than made up for it!
(Also, MWAH! MWAH! And another fake internet kiss: MWAH! Thank you for being an awesome crit partner!)
Giles--I totally forgot to eat today. Be careful.
Ha ha ha! That is the best party ev-ah!! I won a pre-ordered copy and am DYING to read it. When it comes, I am going to shred the package and dive right in - I don't care what the hubby and 3 kiddos say! :-)
Yay for Kiersten!
Also, every post you make makes me even more excited for BTIB. Seriously. You are so so hilarious, I can hardly stand it.
What an awesome birthday party! I've read it, and promptly remember why I hate reading series. Isn't the next one out yet???
I see you have a stellar lineup. Happy Berfday to Paranormalcy.
*Am I the only one who is going bonkers over the apostrophe misuse of "Ninja's With Guitars"? gggaaaarrrrggghhhhhh!
I can only assume that it's not really an apostrophe, but instead the ninja's katana slicing through the plural ninjas.
Happy Launch Day Kiersten! I just ordered PARANORMALCY last night and can't wait to read! I've heard fantastic things about this book!!
and Carrie - will you pass me the bacon please?
Hey! Thanks for sharing this post. I would love to read this book. My sister has also written her first book and we attended the book launch party last week in one of the beautiful event venues Chicago only. I am hoping her book does very well in the market as well.
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