So if you haven't been reading The Wonder That Is My Blog very long, you may have missed the first edition of In the Event of Famousness. Go
back, read it, and bow down before my generosity. Or don't. As with anything else on this blog, it really doesn't pay to try and make sense out of it. Just laugh and shake your head at me. Everyone else does.
So this month, I'd like to get you thinking about an essential part of famousness. If you become famous, you will need People. Because evidently, becoming famous does something to your brain, making you subsequently unable to dial the telephone. You need People for that. You need People to call other People's People. And then their People will ask your People to tell you that their People want to talk to you. Which seems awfully convoluted, but then again, famous people probably have a lot of spare time to deal with this sort of thing.
I've got to interrupt myself for just one minute and get this out of my system: Soylent green is PEEPUL!!!!
Much better. I've been thinking it ever since I typed the title, and it was starting to interrupt the flow of nonsense.
Anyway. Unless you get a LOT of phone calls, you'll probably want your People to do things other than pick whack ringtones for your Smartfreakingconfusingphone. Sean Combs actually had a People who carried his umbrella for him. Mariah Carey had a People who carried her drink, complete with straw, so she wouldn't mess up her lipstick.

So the thing you must think about in the event that famousness happens to you: what will your People do? I don't do umbrellas, and while I am quite literally addicted to lipgloss, I can reapply after drinking, thankyouverymuch. So I've decided instead that I will have a Boom Box People. My People will be in charge of following me with a big old 80s style boom box, and he will supply the soundtrack to my life. He must have nice eyebrows and be willing to dress in a Batman costume for Halloween, but under the mask, he must resemble Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles. He must be willing to listen to "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" by Chris Issac and "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop at least ten times every day. And he must not mind if I occasionally ask him to play the Ewok song during romantic moments just for laughs. Because really, any romantic moment is better with the Ewok song.
What will your People do?
My people will clean my house for me and get groceries so I can spend more time being a recluse.
by the way, I look funny in an ewok costume, and I look nothing like the guy from 16 candles although I have a strange resemblance to Ducky.
(OMG, I love the boombox idea...)
Let's people would re-enact scenes from Waiting for Guffman while serving me waffles. And they must be able to do The Robot on command.
Like Jamie's people, mine will go to the grocery store. They will bring back soylent green...mmmm...soylent green.
They will also tell me I am great, even when I'm not.
My people are currently reading your blog for me...oh, and typing this, too.
My people will write my books for me so I can spend more time reading and watching those high-speed chase cop shows.
I would love to have People who will write my notes at work for me...oh wait...I *WILL* have that - they're called residents, fellows and physician extenders! what? Can I have People to drive to local microbreweries and bring me beer? People would definitely be a beer wench!
On a sad side note - the guy who wrote the original Batman Theme Song from the old tv show just passed away - I'm singing NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa BATMAN while doing an eyebrow jig in his memory and invite you all to join me in this!
Jamie: You look like Ducky?!? I love you, in a completely non-threatening, non-stalker way.
Vivi: My People are calling your People to invite all of you over. Because I like waffles too.
Aaron: Maybe for a change of pace, they can bring you some Soylent Purple. Did you ever see that SNL skit? Too funny.
Kelly: HEY! I hope they're at least reading it out loud so you can enjoy it. ;)
KC: Maybe they can sing the Bad Boys song for you too, while you're driving. Because that would be cool.
Slayer: I'm NOT getting you a beer wench for your birthday. And the Batsong guy died? Awww...
My people will never let me run out of chocolate...he will wear pants that show off his fine bum and he will clean my house, do my dishes and grocery shopping and rub my feet while I am reading blogs and writing...and his name will be Aidan...he will have a wonderful tan and tight tushy and feed me grapes when I am by the pool...
Yes, I have thought about my people (maybe I should change mine to my person)...
My people will clean my house and make sure I have time to go to the gym. They will also wear a Starbucks uniform and provide Venti Skinny Vanilla Latees on command.
I have no idea. I think having people would annoy the crap out of me ; )
hmm as long as I can get one that looks like Hugh Jackman I really don't care what he does! Mainly I will just let him hang about while I check him out!
Not as much anymore, I think, although I am much younger than him now, I look much older. I am still prone to break out in song and dance in music shops however.
I would love for my people to clean, kill bugs for me, talk sports, tell me jokes, do my hair, pedicures, run errands, take care of outside chores, and potty train my toddler. :)
My people, all vertically challenged, would carry me around in one of those old roman carriages while we searched for the Ewok-costumed Jake Ryan look-alike.
Naturally, they'd pour me wine and feed me grapes. And sing. Yes, they would sing. But not songs from the Wizard of Oz or Willy Wonka. That would drive me nuts...
Brenda: For the longest time, I wanted a poolboy. I know exactly what you mean. :)
Christy: So you want Coffee Cleaning People? HAH!
Natalie: So your people are the kind of people who stay away from you? Very creative.
Lina: Eye candy people, then. I like.
Jamie: Close enough. I love Ducky Dale. Molly Ringwald REALLY should have picked him.
Keri: After you're done potty training, can I borrow your people? I'm going to have to do my twins soon. Ugh. I'm tired just thinking about it.
slhastings: Hey, I can just tell you where we'll be so you don't need to search for the Ewok/Jake Ryan. I'm sure your people will get out of breath, what with carrying you around and singing all the time. Not like you're heavy. Just that it would be tiring. Man, I just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper, don't I?
My people will walk the dog. Or clean up what's gonna happen if I don't go do that right now...
My People would answer my house phone and talk to other people I don't want to talk to, ever.
My People would make sure my highlighter is always full of those little, red post-it strips.
My People would pump my gas and keep the inside and outside of my car spotless...awe heck, maybe they could just drive me around too. Why not. They're my People.
Wug Wug.
That's ewok for Snarf, and also the first line of the chorus to the song as I understood it as a kid.
As far as my people go, I'd keep them busy by having them keep me away from other people.
My People will have People who do major over-the-top research to figure me out. When they do, they'll pass the word along to the other set of People, who will then tell them what I want. Because I never know what I want.
My people would buy syrups and candy sprinkles and put them into bottles and throw them into Lake Michigan so that your people will find them and fish them out and give them to you to eat with the waffles you got from Vivi's people.
People are people, so why should it be? You and I should get along so awfully.
That song was running through my head the whole time I was reading your comments.
My people would run interference for me, and carry my iPod....get jiggy with "love nubs" playing, hysterical laughter usually kills the moment for most guys, unless he's medicated for just such an event.
P.S. The bus wasn't going to stop, so I kicked the driver (bink, bink) and hijacked the thing. Come on everybody... Let's go for a ride...
Adrienne: See, I don't have a dog. Although they could walk my children... now there's a thought.
KM: I love those little Post-its! I love them so much that I conserve them; I don't want to run out. I'm a tiny post-it hoarder. I admit it!
Jeremy: See, I always thought that the words to that song were "love nubs." Ask Timmit. I put it in his head years ago, and he hasn't been about to get it out ever since.
Glamis: That's cool. But will the secondary People taunt you with the knowledge of what you want, or will they tell you, or will they simply fulfill your every unspoken desire? These are important things to consider. You know, in case you end up being famous.
BPV: Yeah, I think that song is going to go on the boom box, now that you mention it! I saw them twice in concert. :)
Timmit: Bink bink. BWAHAHAHA. You've got big brass clangers, bub, coming on here and throwing my own jokes back at me. I'm going to sic some flying suppositories on you if you don't stop. ;)
If I had people I would have them give me massages :D
My man now wants a beer wench for his birthday. I told him "No".
I need My People to wipe my youngest's butt cause I get tired of checking her for toiletpaper.
Tiny T: I'm not surprised by this. But at least you know what to be for Halloween. ;)
Ello: Oh, mine will also flush after my son, because he NEVER remembers. Uck.
"Soylent green is PEEPUL!!!!"
Another vote for people doing my house cleaning!
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