Look at this: Muppet Face.

And Muppet Face.

Or, if you have problems with the whole cross-gender Muppet/human comparison thing, try this:

Methinks he belongs on the List of Celebrities that Look Like Muppets.
I'm just glad I didn't marry a Muppet.

Thus endeth the random display of Muppitage for the day.
Wow, Carrie! Sometimes I wonder where your mind comes up with the things it does.
He DOES look like a Muppet! He's cute and all, but when he sings, his jaw does that weird sideways thing. Almost like he's going to sneeze and laugh at the same time. But I didn't make the Muppet connection until now!
While I watch The Muppets, I don't watch A.I. I had no clue Henson's creature shop was branching out into reality programing.
Wow, he really does look like a muppet! WEIRD....
He does look a little Muppety. Someone make him put on a fuzzy hat--it'll make the comparison much easier!
Thanks for clearing this up for me. I officially agree.
Aw, he's cute. But you've got a point!
I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch American Idol!
Well, I do watch one or two episodes a year.
He is a HOT muppet!
Muppetage. Funny. I'm also glad you didn't marry a Muppet.
I'm digging your Muppet baby's braids though!
I just read some of your Twilight Parody installments outloud to my sisters.
They are huge fans now, too.
Even the baby loved it!
I think that's even a decent picture of him. I think we can find worse. In fact, I'm off to look...
I don't watch AI...but now I'm going to have to so I can see the singing Muppet who isn't green...grin...
I heart muppet idols. Now bring on the muppet/ zombie idols.
BTW, when I think of zombies, I think of you. (But in a totally non-weird way.)
The world keeps evolving better and better.
I don't watch AI anymore. So my comments are hereby irrelivant (except muppet zombie idols would be cool. I should be allowed that much say.)
So well said!
Can't believe he won.
At least Jim Henson is happy in heaven...
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