Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rampant Illness

The Batson has the flu. I mistakenly wrote this as "the baton has the flu," which seems like the beginning of either a nonsense poem or a story by me. But only if the baton is being wielded by Richard Simmons.

Anyway, due to the whole illness thing, I have about five seconds to write this blog entry, so I'm going to open it up to y'all. Ask me some questions, and I shall enlighten you on what it's like to live in my world. What do you want to know? I can tell you a few things quickly; get the basics out of the way if you will.

My favorite color is zombie. Which is really a sneaky way to get out of having a favorite color, because zombies are notoriously colorful. Every time I see a zombie, I think, "Wow. What pretty colors." If I can have multiple answers, my favorite colors are zombie, orange, purple, and yellow.

My favorite supernatural creature is the zombie. The whole lurch and moan thing gets me every time. And did I mention the colors?

My favorite food is not zombie. It's potatoes.

What else do you want to know? I've got to go take care of a hurling child, but rest assured that I will be waiting with bated breath to hear your questions of vast importance.

Oh, and the Zom-Com contest ends today at noon. Get in a few zombie book titles at the last minute for a chance to win a $25 gift card, a free book, and a bunch of random stuff. I've already picked up a finger puppet of dracula holding what looks like a bat.

Get it? Vampire. Bat.



Alan W. Davidson said...

Sorry to hear about the hurling child. My son did the projectile vomit thing (twice) and I was in the line of fire both times...I try to look at it as a sign of affection.

Jamie Eyberg said...

So, what is your favorite brand of peanut butter?

Barry Napier said...

What imeage is creepier?...Zombie Tony the Tiger or Zombie Rainbow Brite?

C.R. Evers said...

I hope your kiddo feels better soon! ((((hugs))) and may everyone keep well!

Cate Gardner said...

Have you ever thought of running a zombie exercise class?

Kiersten White said...

Let's say you were to start your own publishing company with me. Just how awesome would it be?

Kelly Polark said...

Aww, poor Batson. Get him the batpukebucket!

Here's my question: What is your favorite horror film? What is one that you couldn't stand?

Suzanne Casamento said...

Ohhh...I'm just lauging at Catherine's suggestion about you running a zombie exercise class.

That should keep me giggling all day.

K.C. Shaw said...

I can't think of any questions (although I did consider slipping in a sneaky "would you like two cats?" one), but I hope the batson/baton gets better soon.

Fox Lee said...

I'm sorry....I'm having trouble getting past the child hurl! *lol*

Kasie West said...

Potatoes? Really? Do like them a specific way? Like mashed or in the form of french fries? Or just potatoes in all forms?

Anonymous said...

ooo I have a question. What does Carrie Harris think of when she wakes up in the morning?

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

what's your middle name?

Keri Mikulski said...

Sorry to hear about your little one.

Hmm.. Do you listen to music while you write?? :)

Danyelle L. said...

Hope your little one gets feeling better soon! If you could have a super power, what would it be?

BT said...

Sorry to hear about the lad - sickness, like hurling, is painful but thankfully short. Here's to hoping your time in purgatory is as short as possible.

Now I'm trying to think of a question suitable for all ages...

Still trying....

~Jamie said...

aw! hugs for the babe!