Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things That Make Me Snarf - Censorship

Yeah, you read the title right. First, we've got the serious stuff. There's a great discussion going on RIGHT NOW at Fabulous Agent Kate's blog about censorship, book ratings, and all kinds of interesting stuff. It's definitely worth checking out.

For me, the thing about censorship is that it always makes the book in question sound a lot more... well, ENTICING. Once I hear that a book is the subject of a big ol' brouhaha, I want to read it. Part of it is that I want to make up my own mind, but I'll also admit it freely: I'm lookin' for something JUICY.

Yeah, JUICY.

And the whole act of censoring it or condemning it or whathaveyou only increases the juiciness. Look at what it did for the Count.

This video really makes me *BLEEP*.

By the way, did you notice that I'm running another contest? AGAIN? Check out yesterday's post for a chance to win a signed book.


Aaron Polson said...

I'll admit...I frequently scan banned book lists for reading material. If somebody cared enough to ban it, the book must be good...

MeganRebekah said...

Wasn't that part of the success of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code? The Catholic Church banned it and then he sells millions of copies. It was free publicity for him.

Barry Napier said...

I always thought the Count was a perv...

Natalie Whipple said...

Wow, that really does make the Count...wow...

And censorship, yeah. I love when they try to ban teen books. What better way to get EVERY teen out there chomping at the bit to read it?

Ray Veen said...

You've made your point and driven it home, Ms. Harris.

Now I need to think of some ways to add some bleeps to my story.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I have yet to read a banned book that I didn't like.

Keri Mikulski said...

I agree! Love juicy, banned books. :)

Anonymous said...

hm i wonder if i've read any banned books but didn't know it. i'm a criminal! muahahhahahaha

Fox Lee said...

For some reason this made me think of the manga section of the book store, where the yaoi is kept under plastic wrap. You know, until the fangirls tear it off, read it for free, and put it back "naked."

Now imagine your some little kid looking for the latest issue of Dragon Balls.

"Mommy, what is this man doing to the other man's butt?"

Suzanne Casamento said...

Oh my god. I love that Count video. Completely ridiculous.

On a side note, I'd love to get banned. I'm adding extra ban-worthy content right now... ; )

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Hey, I am SO with you on the censorship thing! I've it's censored, I'm immediately curious. Sometimes it'll depend on what it's censored for, but usually I just want to read it and find out what all the fuss is about. :D

Danyelle L. said...

Censorship is very bad, because it takes away a person's ability to choose for themselves. I would like to have a book rating system, kind of like for movies, so I have a better idea of what the book holds, but censorship is just wrong.

K.C. Shaw said...

I love The Count! That video practically made me wet myself laughing (good thing I waited till I got home from work to watch it).

I am the only person I know who has a Count doll. I really don't know what he does all day when I'm at work...possibly he [bleeps].