Monday, June 29, 2009

Things That Make Me Snarf - Zombie Thriller dance

This is why I want to move to Georgia. Dancing street zombies rule. Dancing street zombies without rhythm rule even more.

The contest winner will be announced tomorrow! There's still time to get your book titles in!


Alan W. Davidson said...

Those Georgians sure know how to have a good time! Beats the hell out of our Busker Fest. Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that kind of stuff happens down here all the time.

Its just so damn hot. We get kinda crazy, y'hear?

Jamie Eyberg said...

Good time, good times. . .

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

only in Macon :)

PJ Hoover said...

Did I enter? I can't remember? Ah, well, if not, I wasn't meant to win :)

Suzanne Casamento said...

I wonder if they do that every night...

Anonymous said...

I know they all thought it was just fun and games, but that could be dangerous. Do that crap on MY lawn in zombie makeup, and it's head shot time. From Izhmash with love, baby (don't worry, alot of people *I* know wouldn't even get that joke).

Anonymous said...

*Edited to add - ESPECIALLY if I saw a zombified Michael Jackson. I wouldn't want that weirdo in my neighborhood when he was alive, I DAMN sure don't want him here post mortem. If I have to finish what the Reaper couldn't, so be it!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Well I can guarantee you wouldn't see that sort of thing on the streets of Solvang (even though MJ's Neverland Ranch is just 15 minutes away)! But then, they probably have more fun at nighttime in Macon :)